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#1 Parent Beth - 2014-11-15
Re Ingratiating missive from missionary, spurned.

Oh we don't, but we're expected to accept it as infallible truth...

Even though his qualifications are apparently mutable, depending on what topic he's currently strutting over claiming ultimate authority on!

Frankly I'm shocked he didn't claim an MA in literature after I disclosed my BA in it!

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-11-15
Re Ingratiating missive from missionary, spurned.

What proof do we have that "Turnoi" has any degrees whatsoever?

I should imagine he does have degrees and even a doctorate, and perfectly legal. They have to be special deal correspondence ones or something. Certainly not earned in an English speaking country. I am being deadly serious when I say that a retired working man from USA, UK Australia et ceteras has a better command of English than many second-language English Lit/Lang degree-holders. It's where and how you study that counts.

#3 Parent Somebody - 2014-11-15
Re Ingratiating missive from missionary, spurned.

What proof do we have that "Turnoi" has any degrees whatsoever?

#4 Parent yu2fa3 - 2014-11-15
Re Ingratiating missive from missionary, spurned.

As for pretenders, look in the mirror and think about your fake degree certs from your "dear training centre". Troll!

I'm afraid you beat us all hands down in Trollism. Is it me or is it you who has the two longest threads in the world donated to him on other forums? Where you are lovingly referred to as notorious, among ruder things. People in Troll house shouldn't throw troll words around.... that was clever wasn't it hahahaha! You inspire me, Turnoi, mate.

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