Return to Index › Re Happy Town English, Haikou
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2014-12-29
Re Happy Town English, Haikou

If I was that desperate, there's better and more easily accessible ways of illegally earning large amounts of amount, than teaching English at a shit school on the wrong kind of visa.

These include not only the more glamorous and exciting jobs like selling coke or dodgy fake clothing to chavs, but also the more boring options such as renting one's arse out for profit. Which is not actually illegal in most Western countries and probably a far better than working in a shit school in China for a low salary because if you accept employment there; you are pretty much getting raped without getting your anus touched.

#2 Parent Sludge - 2014-12-29
Re Happy Town English, Haikou

Problem is mate, given the economic crisis in the EU that is actually not all that bad, especially to people in Italy and Spain.

Better to be earning that, than rotting on welfare....IF you qualify!!!

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