Return to Index › Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador
#1 Parent JS - 2014-12-29
Re Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I did my CELTA course at their center in Montanita a few years back, and it was a nightmare. Everything these guys are writing on here sounds true. As for the CELTA program, it was quite disorganized, and they didn't even bother going over crucial teaching approaches such as Desuggestopedia, content-based learning, community language learning, silent way and soforth. They just give a very superficial understanding of communicative language teaching. They also pay practice students to be there sometimes. It was a total waste of time and money. The director and his wife are both hacks too.

#2 Parent D - 2014-05-19
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Hi Ben, well I hope whoever told you this utter rubbish, (I can guess who) also told you that half my family are from Guayaquil and that I visit the city a few times a year. I just hope that you are still at Southern Cross when I return to Guay at the end of this year. I full intend on dropping by and giving you and a certain blond haired teacher a really big thank you! I promise it will be the kind of thank you that you will really remember. Also, please can you have the psychiatric evaluation that you got your info from to hand. I must have been absent that day the company psychiatrist put it together.

#3 Parent Flapjacks in Washington - 2014-05-17
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I also worked at this place and have met a lot of other teachers who also have and none of them have anything good to say about this place. I also knew the ex-teacher you are talking about and he was a perfectly normal guy. There was nothing mentally unstable about him in the least, in fact he was one of the most level headed people there and this sounds like a typical Southern Cross smear campaign. They did the same with a Scottish teacher, saying that he was aggressive and unbalanced. I also know the lead teacher he is talking about, this guy was a nut ball! I remember he was a chronic drinker with self inflected scares covering both of his arms. There was also another guy, he was an English guy with a mop of curly hair. He looked like a mad professor and often sat talking to himself and twitching. I didn't really like working at Southern Cross and was glad to be on my way. I would suggest that anyone wanting to work there should stay for the shortest time possible and then leave.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-05-02
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Excessively professional on a rather informal forum, you've just made yourself look like a complete and utter advertising/P.R guy, well done.

Top marks for effort by the way.

#5 Parent Gareth Jones - 2013-04-30
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

My name is Gareth Jones, and I also work at Southern Cross. I've been at the school for nearly a year, and I'm perfectly happy here. I've been treated well by management, I'm paid what I was promised and on time, and they also gave me a pay rise (as promised) after the initial three month trial period. They were very helpful with the visa, and refunded all the costs that I'd incurred. On top of this, they provide free health insurance and paid holidays. Very few English language institutions in Ecuador offer these conditions. The teachers are very friendly and welcoming, and everyone is invited to social activities and parties - I'm not aware of any cliques. On top of that, they're always willing to share ideas and help each other out. I have no reason at all to complain about the school owners - I feel I'm very well treated by them. I attend Spanish classes, and the reception staff are very helpful when arranging my timetable, so that the classes I teach don't clash with the ones I attend. In terms of the experiences that I've had, I've taught KET, FCE and IELTS classes, and I've also delivered CLIL courses for secondary school teachers who teach bilingually. I'm also going to train as an examiner for the Cambridge English exams (this is the only school in Ecuador that can offer this opportunity). All of this will be great on my CV in the future, but I have no plans to move on right now, because I'm happy here. I can't comment on the school before my time here, of course, but I have good reason to believe that the negative comments about Southern Cross on this website were made by an ex-teacher with a huge chip on his shoulder, who was underperforming and had his hours reduced because of frequent complaints about him by students (the same guy may also be making comments under different user names). I also saw these negative comments just after I started working here, but they don't reflect my experience at all. So please, take these comments with a huge piece of salt. I'd be happy to recommend Southern Cross to any English teacher who's thinking of coming to Ecuador.

#6 Parent River Don Sewage Worker - 2013-04-25
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Aye lad, but ye are doing it all wrong like. The tea must be piping hot. Hotter than even your hottest studentess.

And you need fish and chips, the fish must be properly battered like and wrapped up in newspaper. Nowt wrong with curry sauce as a condiment around bradford like, although I prefer the proper gravy done well.

Now then, are you grafting yet, time to get off that PC and do some heavy lifting.

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-25
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Nay lad, you are dead wrong, Sheffield is South Yorkshire, see.

Manchester lies between Cheshire and Lancashire.

They do actually make some yorkshire tea which is good to take to China like, a hard water brand. Us simple yorkshire folk like a piping hot cup of tea like. I don't know about Barnstaple mind, but it does sound like a place in yorkshire does it not? Now then my dear lad, it's time for you to carve out, make your mark, I must get you nice words of get it, got it, here. [edited]

When I first started work at the funeral parlour, we used to take cold tea(mixed with milk and sugar) in lemonade bottles and drink it cold-try googling it. Actually in those days that small opening at the top of the bottle which you'd swig out of was a wise restriction because whereas there's no flies on Devon folk haha, there used to be many on and around the Dear Departed- if you have a cups you might find yourself drinking the odd fly, in the summer that is; no AC and filters in them days......but must have been the same in the sewage works, surely? Bloody glad like yourself to be a teacher now, am I right or am I right?

#8 Parent Sheffield Sewage Worker - 2013-04-24
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

you stick to kipping in derelict Manchester buildings in between China gigs-haha.

Funny you should mention Yorkshire Tea- Our make-up person (in my profession) used to swear by it, and whenever she made the tea, she used to use just one teabag between three of us; however, I did notice that the last time I had that tea they had weakened it considerably.

Nay lad, you are dead wrong, Sheffield is South Yorkshire, see.

Manchester lies between Cheshire and Lancashire.

They do actually make some yorkshire tea which is good to take to China like, a hard water brand. Us simple yorkshire folk like a piping hot cup of tea like. I don't know about Barnstaple mind, but it does sound like a place in yorkshire does it not? Now then my dear lad, it's time for you to carve out, make your mark, I must get you nice words of get it, got it, here. [edited]

#9 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-24
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Hahaha- but my history is true- you stick to kipping in derelict Manchester buildings in between China gigs-haha.

Funny you should mention Yorkshire Tea- Our make-up person (in my profession) used to swear by it, and whenever she made the tea, she used to use just one teabag between three of us; however, I did notice that the last time I had that tea they had weakened it considerably.

#10 Parent Ben - 2013-04-23
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Shouldn't comment on him personally since I don't know him but can definitely say his words are unfair.

#11 Parent Sheffield Sewer Worker - 2013-04-23
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

My idea of a good lesson is Mr Bean... however, the little hoorors seem to quite like me, which is half the battle.

Indeed, an uphill struggle.

But better than clearing settlement tank 3 at Doncaster sewage works on cold, rainy morning. It was there while over a steaming hot cup of yorkshire tea and a fag, that it struck me, I'd had enough of cleaning up after others and clearing their crap off the walls off a huge empty tank, and decideSan Migs Paled I can teach english. I went to the office computer back in Sheffield and printed meself a degree in English Literature, and then booked a flight to Bangkok from Leeds Airport and never looked back, got meself a tefl there from kao shan road like.San Migs Pale

#12 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-23
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

As you would expect of someone who scared everybody and was fired because they were in denial about how bad they were at their job, his words are totally untrue - or at least they are today.

Well, i am a pretty bad teacher but they haven't sacked me yet, haha. Now my point is that if they ever do sack me, I expect to have the good grace to take it on the chin and not do the blame game thing. My idea of a good lesson is Mr Bean... however, the little hoorors seem to quite like me, which is half the battle.

#13 Parent Ben - 2013-04-23
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I work at Southern Cross Guayaquil. Apparently the guy who wrote this post was really mentally unstable, scared everyone and eventually had to be fired because he was such a poor teacher and would not heed any advice which the DoS gave him. Not that I knew either personally but on the second hand reports of those that did, he was a unrelenting a***hole and the dos he condemns a lovely guy.

As you would expect of someone who scared everybody and was fired because they were in denial about how bad they were at their job, his words are totally untrue - or at least they are today.

#14 Parent Hi there - 2012-12-16
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

Southern Cross!! Now that brings back a hell of a lot of memories! I taught there for a few months and could not wait to leave! The teachers were OK-ish, there was one guy with blond hair who was a dick, but the rest seemed OK. The city was cool and the students were OK. The manager was a total monster! End of story!

#15 Parent bgerascvoi - 2012-10-16
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I worked at Southern Cross for a while and didnt have any problems with the other teachers, but every problem at Southern Cross is caused by the ´director´, the childish,
manipulative, lying, bullying M[edited]. Oh, where to start with her? Constant stories about her not paying teachers what was promised, not paying someone on the CELTA course a whole months wages, bullying the DOS so making him leave, then threatening him with arrest over fictious crimes, not to mention never being present at SC and never taking an interest in the business (only as long as the $$ comes in she doesnt care). Every time a teacher approached her with a problem I was told her response was along the lines of ´not my f¨¨¨¨¨problem. Yeah thats a great attitude for a director isnt it?

#16 Parent Washington State - 2012-05-08
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I worked at this toilet 8 or 9 months back. The students did nothing but complain and teachers were real unfriendly guys! I found T[edited] to be the leader of this band of losers! He was so up himself, totally self absorbed! He was buddies with this other British guy called M[edited]. This guy was a total geek and followed T[edited] around like a puppy dog. The managers were an Ecuadorian woman and her British husband, the woman was a total nightmare. Nobody, and I mean nobody liked her!!! There were a couple of nice people. There was a guy from Australia who was pretty grounded and easy going. There was also a big athletic looking guy from northern England who lived in Guayaquil with his wife. He was a good guy and I spent a lot of time with him and his wife. I met him a few months after I was bullied out and he told me the same thing had happened to him. My advice to anyone thinking of working at this school would be don't do it! In the end they will get tired of you and force you out! There are plenty of other schools in Guayaquil to work at.

#17 Parent Yo!!!!!! - 2012-05-05
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I worked at this school a year back. It was not a good place to work. Tom the blond haired guy from southern England was there when I was teaching at the school. He and his group liked to exclude new teachers from his private hangout! The guy was a real jerk! I was also lied to about how much I would get paid. I was told in interview that I would not make below $1000 a month. On arriving at the school and meeting the manager, some British guy, I was told that I would actually be paid $800 a month and $10 every hour over I worked. They also arranged accommodation for me, a lodging in a house miles from the school!! Not nice when they expect you to start work at 7am!! I was leaving home each morning at 5.30am and not getting back until almost 10pm! I left after being forced to by the managers wife.

#18 Parent Not that Cali guy! - 2012-05-03
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

I have worked here too! I left as soon as I could!! Not a nice place to work at all!! That is unless you have no problems teaching at 6am every morning and then being threatened with the can if you complain! Also watch out when it comes to visas! They will bring you into the country on the wrong visa and then if they want to get rid of you they tell the authorities you are here illegally! Do not trust these guys!

#19 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-13
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

You bet your boots I resigned! I also took legal action against them. Ecuador is a fantastic country and I would recommend it to anyone wishing to work there, just avoid Southern Cross!!! If you go to Guayaquil you will meet a large number of ELS teachers who have worked at Southern Cross. I will buy your beers all night if you can find one teacher who has anything positive to say about this school!

It's good of you to warn others. Best of luck in your next position.

#20 Parent Dan Newton - 2012-04-13
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

You bet your boots I resigned! I also took legal action against them. Ecuador is a fantastic country and I would recommend it to anyone wishing to work there, just avoid Southern Cross!!! If you go to Guayaquil you will meet a large number of ELS teachers who have worked at Southern Cross. I will buy your beers all night if you can find one teacher who has anything positive to say about this school!

#21 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-12
Re: Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

OK, let me be as frank as possible... avoid this dump like the plague! It is a corrupt money making scam ran by an ex-pat English guy and his Ecuadorian wife! The teaching staff are unfriendly, arrogant and cliquey! The leader of this band of social misfits is a blond haired, stuck up guy call T[edited]. He is a snotty little creep from southern England who is as rude as he is arrogant. His wingman is a total oddball from O[edited] in northern England called M[edited]. He is the type of person who you would bet the farm on was bullied all through his schooldays. 'J[edited] the Whippet' or as I used to call him, 'J[edited] the weasel' follows these two around like a lost puppy. This guy would stick a knife in your back as soon as look at you. Lets move onto L[edited] the DOS. What can I say about this overweight, socially retarded man? He is 32 going on 60. He has no social skills at all, he is a total misogynist and is Mr. Two Face personified. Avoid this school at all costs!!!!

My word, it's clear why you have evidently tendered your resignation. Two evil knife- wielding Englishmen and an obese misogynist sound quite a handful.(no pun intended) However, the Ecuadorian wife sounds a bit of a sweetie- no fringe benefits were to be had in her direction?? There is often a little advantage to be found in a grim situation.

Dan Newton - 2012-04-12
Southern Cross, Guayaquil in Ecuador

OK, let me be as frank as possible... avoid this dump like the plague! It is a corrupt money making scam ran by an ex-pat English guy and his Ecuadorian wife! The teaching staff are unfriendly, arrogant and cliquey! The leader of this band of social misfits is a blond haired, stuck up guy call T[edited]. He is a snotty little creep from southern England who is as rude as he is arrogant. His wingman is a total oddball from O[edited] in northern England called M[edited]. He is the type of person who you would bet the farm on was bullied all through his schooldays. 'J[edited] the Whippet' or as I used to call him, 'J[edited] the weasel' follows these two around like a lost puppy. This guy would stick a knife in your back as soon as look at you. Lets move onto L[edited] the DOS. What can I say about this [edited] man? He is 32 going on 60. He has no social skills at all, he is a total misogynist and is Mr. Two Face personified. Avoid this school at all costs!!!!

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