Return to Index › 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam
#1 Parent No good - 2015-01-25
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

This is definetly Dan Tuan the old DLTC, do not work for him. I did and still regret it until today.
Look online you'll find countless posts of teachers stories and how he scams, threatens and steals.
Stay away!!!, you've been warned.

#2 Parent John - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original message dated 27 December 2014, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

DTLC or TCN ... I worked there for about a week, not even, and decided to get the hell out. The racial slurs from the boss was the first indicator. Next was them asking us for money, 900US to be exact for the working permit, which they initially promised to pay. After some insults and the foreign staff complaining that they never see a full pay .... I took off for greener pastures and happy I did. Once they realized I was gone, then came an ignorant and derogatory text message. I am surprised he hasn't died from his type 2 diabetes yet; that guy just ate like a mad man and treated the staff like poo

#3 Parent ConcernedTEFLteacher - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original message dated 4 February 2012, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

Another former DTLC/TCN teacher has created a website. His site goes into more detail of some of the occurrences that take place at this language center. If you are considering applying to work for DTLC please check out this website and take the time to read through the topics as well as the links to other online postings.

What is written is all true, and it paints a very vivid picture of the companies true colours!

Cheers and happy TEFL job hunting :)

#4 Parent Vietam ESL Teacher - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original message dated 5 May 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

I am about 99.99999998% sure that this is actually a NEW NAME for The Dang Tuan Language Center!
Apparently, this guy Tuan got such a huge reputation on The Internet for how he treats his staff (I can verify this - I have had two people I know who have worked for DTLC) and now, he literally CANNOT RECRUIT ANY FOREIGN TEACHERS.......

There was a good fight-back site for teachers who got the raw deal at schools all over Asia called "ESL Watch" that talked about how Tuan shafted some Fillipino teachers really badly.....but that site just died (DON'T KNOW if it was sabotaged or what happened to it)!

I MYSELF never worked there, but from what these two acquaintances tell me, this Tuan is not a nice individual.....

#5 Parent teachie - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 5 May 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

I'm pretty sure it is a scam - I emailed them and they are very keen on getting my passport before they even start talking to me.

#6 Parent anonymous - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 30 May 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

Oh c'mon Daniel you're just but new in there , you don't know what you are up to. Anyway you will soon know the truth... very soon. Get out of that school! ( unsolicited advice from those who knew better)

#7 Parent ConcernedTEFLteacher - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 3 January 2012, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

D[edited] it was a pleasure working with you and I am amazed that you will have lasted for your entire contract! HUGS
For the rest of you out there PLEASE DO NOT WORK for this company. The director Dang T[edited] is a very deceitful man and I wouldn't trust him or his management with my life. What you do find on line about this man and his school are true. I would also be happy to give more of my opinions and share the stories of my experience working for this company.

#8 Parent Vietnam ESL Teacher - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 6 May 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

Yeah, thought so - and the bloke from South Africa is basically Dang Tuan's new Public Relations toadie! Um-hummm....

#9 Parent Anonymous - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 2 May 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

TCN is the same as DTLC

#10 Parent Daniel Moody - 2014-12-29
Re: 1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 12 April 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

My Name is Daniel from South Africa, I am currently teaching at this school and can assure you that is not scam, i don't know why but this school seems to have a bad rep on the internet. I you are considering working at this school then do not hesitate to contact via or on skype.

Please do not believe everything you hear, the staff are friendly and the management respectful, there are no problems with pay, visas or accommodation and they provide nice lodging.

Kind Regards

KGardner - 2014-12-29
1000-1500 USD, TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam

Original post dated 10 March 2011, moved to this board from the Scam Alerts board on Dec 29 2014

The TCN School in Haiphong, Vietnam - is this a scam? I see several people have been suspicious but can't find the direct forums on this school. They don't have a website, use a gmail account, and aren't asking for letters of recommendation. Everything points to a scam. Does anyone know for sure?

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