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#1 Parent Spector - 2015-02-11
Re EF Hohhot

In any normal country, he would be fired or at least demoted. You see bosses can't treat workers as chattel in the normal world, IE, non chinese countries.

How he is getting away with this is beyond me. I have saved his linkedin page for future reference. These EF doses who make a career out of it in China, are some of the lowest of the low if you ask me. Pure bottom feeders and savages!

#2 Parent asd - 2015-02-11
Re EF Hohhot

People like that as you just described usually have some sort of depressive disorder operating, originating from the nervous system and lacking in Serotonin and dopamine and reactor problems in the uptake of those mood regulators.
He should be on anti-depressant medication and possibly not in China at all.

#3 Parent Nelson - 2015-02-10
Re EF Hohhot

My last few months working at EF Hohhot were the most miserable I have ever experienced. That might sound far fetched, but everyday I dreaded going to work, I was upset and paranoid all the time. Before K started working there it was never like that. He created a huge divide in the office, bad mouthed and back stabbed, lied and bitched, all because he just cannot stand anyone around him being happy.

I actually feel sorry for him. He is so unbelievably bitter and unhappy that this is something he needs to do - control and manipulate others. The only times I saw him being happy were when he was laughing at others expense and revelling in their misfortune. I'm just so glad I'm not bitter and nasty like he is.

The fact that he was promoted to DOS is just utterly bewildering. There were countless complaints made against him, he's just lucky that the CM is an absolute fool and can't see what everyone else can see clear as day.

#4 Parent Lou - 2015-01-26
Re EF Hohhot

So very very true ... Stay away from EF Hohhot

laoshi - 2015-01-06
EF Hohhot

Having worked at EF Hohhot under the current DOS (K[edited]), I can say emphatically that he is the most unprofessional, immoral, narcissistic, homophobic, misogynist, I have ever had the misfortune to work with. He seems to takes great pleasure in humiliating, belittling, and ridiculing everyone other than his girlfriend/partner C[edited] and their indoctrinated sidekick, A[edited] (who I would compare to a Manson groupie with regard to her abnormal adulation of her daddy-figure, K[edited]).

Then there is the Senior Teacher who boasts about how many teachers, PA’s, parents, and students he has “shagged”. But, under K[edited]’s tutelage, it’s all tolerable, even though complaints have been made. With regard to K[edited] (the DOS), he has numerous complaints about his behavior (spitting in someone’s food), complaints by students for for unprofessionalism, lack of teaching ability, and lack of any type of skill (his claim to fame is that he is a former security guard, has no education, and personally told me his biggest reasons for leaving the UK was his bill collectors and child support requirements, which he hasn't paid in years), but for some unknown reason, the CM continues to let it all slide. To say the work environment is toxic is an understatement.

I have personally witnessed K[edited] (the DOS) yell at and berate CCs, PAs, and foreign teachers in front of parents, staff, and students. I have also personally witnessed K[edited] go on tirades down the halls yelling and calling people “stupid”, “faggots”, and using other incredibly inappropriate ethnic slurs. I have seen numerous Chinese staff in tears after his episodes. If you fall into K[edited]’s bad graces by not accepting a lunch or dinner invitation, you are deemed a “free loader” or “dead wood”. Once you have been so designated, your scheduled hours become arduous, and needed communication about changes of times for classes or VIPs becomes non-existent.

Walking into the teacher’s room, you immediately feel the oppressive and heavy air. I cannot explain it other than to say that working at EF Hohhot was the most demoralizing and soul sucking place I have ever been in my life.

If that was not enough, the school is incredibly poorly run. The Chinese management (G[edited] and A[edited]) are completely incompetent and inept. A[editd], who is the go-between for foreign staff, is either sleeping or playing games on her phone, and cannot be bothered to do anything.

Professionalism in EF Hohhot is a joke. If you get fed up, and leave (even with proper notice), they will do everything in their power to screw you over (in my time there, I saw and know numerous teachers that have departed and every one of them has a horrible story to tell about getting screwed over by EF Hohhot). There is no professionalism -- expect to get screwed. Staff is demoralized, and they cannot keep teachers, CCs, PAs, or even marketing staff from leaving in droves.

On an unrelated note – Just because it buttons does not mean it fits (see attached photos [photo edited]).

BTW, I will be filing a formal complaint with Shanghai and the corporate offices with regard to EF Hohhot. I understand from conversations that I have had, that at least EIGHT other teachers will sign the complaints against K[edited] and EF Hohhot.

If you choose to accept an offer from this school after reading this, you are a fool!

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