Return to Index › Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment
#1 Parent Curtis - 2015-01-22
Re: Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment

Well said Paul, I too used to be DOS and have had to deal with tons of people like this. It is one thing if the teacher is awkward in the class, but if they have the right attitude and are willing to learn it eventually turns out pretty well. Unfortunately too many dudes like this are roaming around China thinking they are entitled to everything even though they don't have the experience yet that would make them good teachers.

However, I will say this Paul. Don't bother with this website. These people on here will just come after you more for defending yourself. They are the parasites and rubbish of the education world. Not Beth though, she always has insightful points. However she too gets attacked just for making a point that doesn't agree with them. Like I said parasites and rubbish.

The one guy on here who is almost certain to respond to this post actually posted a topic of his own a while ago asking about where and how much prostitutes in Vietnam were. Shows you the caliber of people on this site. Don't worry about their opinions. I am sure your school is fine.

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-01-20
Re Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment

For a teacher, your use of English is appalling! You need to brush up on your grammar!

#3 Parent Kevin M - 2015-01-19
My facts about Edoor and proper way to way to resepect people

Yeah I have heard about you Paul, I heard about from one of my former work branches. As even I know just that one school branch in Suzhou is horrible in their manners as well as their marketing.

I'm thrilled I don't work their no more. Hey Paul , I think I know the guy your talking about as I talked to him before about that story but I heard he's done a good job working for my friends school in Suzhou as been pouring a lot of new kids in classes and is a high market value making the school very recognized. Perhaps considering if its not your school its best you let him bring his experience to the class instead of it your way ?

I even have my respect for my fellow teachers as I'm DOS in my center and I employed people from US, Canada, UK.

They all come from different cultures and surely they earned their Degrees and TESOL Certification for nothing. Were from the same country mate, so I take it you weren't the right guy to interview him.

But you should try to welcome the new teachers or whoever your interviewing. Don't be too serious and loosen up. I'm not giving out other names but I heard from some other Edoor Teachers to say your not very bondable and sensitive. Showing your happy, positive and surely welcome a guest.

#4 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-08-15
Re: Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment

The OP did indeed have terrible spelling and grammar, but you really have shown your true colours as as typical foreign DOS sell out c✘✘t.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2013-08-14
Re: Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment

You come across as a bit of a sell out GW to me, and you should know Jiangsu people only care of money.

#6 Parent Paul M. Robinson - 2013-08-13
Re: Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment

As the ‘Paul’ so mentioned in the comment by ‘Z’, I feel it is both my solemn duty (considering I completely lack a sense of humour), and my great pleasure (considering I’m also essentially cruel and malicious), to reply to the… interestingly framed accusations.

Where to begin… there are so many possibilities, but I think I should start with the obvious: Here we have an individual complaining because we didn’t give him a job in an English school, who writes a letter so dreadfully spelt, with such awful grammar, I might give it to one of our primary school students to edit (or perhaps just throw the thing away and ask them to start from scratch – it seems the more efficient alternative).

In response to the ‘full-time’ position; he first applied to our sister school, and so I can’t comment on why they offered him part time rather than full time. However, he later applied for our school (not informing us he’d already had an… unfortunate experience with our sister school), after responding to an advertisement for a full time teacher. There was indeed a full time opportunity with our school, but perhaps I’m old fashioned, but in my day applying for and turning up doesn’t automatically entitle you to employment.

We gathered in a classroom, Chinese teachers, teaching assistants and me, and watched almost spellbound as he spoke to the ‘children’ (teachers, teaching assistants, etc…), as if they were fluent (the majority of our students are between 4 and 8 with little or no English at all), and when they acted out their standard roles (which he’d been informed they would), not understanding his instructions, he proceeded in becoming annoyed and then using his size to physically intimidate and bully.

I’ve seen some pretty disastrous demos in my ten years here but I must say I’ve never actually seen a teacher (I truly use that word in its loosest sense), try to bully students into a telepathic understanding of a language. I called the demo to an end and went in for an interview.

In the interview I went over his resume, noticing of course he’d not seemed to finish a year’s work for any of the many organisations. As I spoke he continued to respond to text messages and then became aggressive when I reminded him he was in an interview. I then proceeded to offer him a little criticism as to what he’d done wrong in the demonstration at which point he went past aggressive into the realm of belligerent (with any luck he’ll read this and as I doubt his vocabulary can stretch to a word like that I will offer a little help – it has a similar meaning to pugnacious).

He’s a fairly large chap, works out in the gym etc… like to throw around he’s been in the military. However, I have also some experience with such things and found myself quite pleasantly annoyed by this obnoxious cretin… I confronted him directly on his attitude, leaning forward in exactly the same way he was attempting to intimidate, and in an instant he did what most bullies do… he folded and became some fawning example of compliance.

I couldn’t see any capacity at all he might be of service to our school, so informed him we would not be offering him the position and asked him to leave. It wasn’t long after when I, having sent a few queries around the teaching community here (fairly standard practice), began to receive warnings NOT to employ this man for many and varied reasons I shall leave out here (but ones which raise real safety concerns for both female employees and children).

I must say I feel heartfelt sympathy for Canada, being represented by such an individual in a country full of hard working people, who truly believe they are giving their children a better future in spending their hard-earned savings on private educations.

Finally, in response to the ‘arse-kicking’ he so bravely suggests through an international website I would like to make use of two idioms. The first being internationally known ‘put your money where your mouth is’ but I fear the second, which is probably better known and understood in England will be the case ‘all mouth and no trousers’.

Good luck to all those teachers out there honestly trying to earn their money by providing good quality teaching, and to all those nutters escaping from the disaster they have made of their lives in their home country I truly hope they do the entire species a favour and never procreate.

Z - 2013-06-02
Edoor Training Centre School in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province - Scam/Cheat/Harrasment

To ESL teachers from Canada, USA.

I highly recommend you not apply with a training centre called EDOOR. Located in Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu Province

They will make false advertisement for Full Time position and say they will want you to rent an apartment first from your own money and start you off with part time hourse for 3-4 weeks. The Edoor School under direction of a Dianne is the most major place to stay away from. Theres a judgemental jerk named Paul from U.K. who will critisize your performance in a demo and say you should do more games or other things, but cant do that because 10 mins not enough time. Paul has no scence of humor and will underestimate you even if you been teaching in China for years. The local teachers there need to because as some of them are high communist bitches who will say stupid things .

Finally is Edoor Branch in Suzhou SIP, the teachers are supportive sure and more friendlier, but becareful of Michael whos the centre director. He claims he has worked for the USA government and will try to persuade you to rent apt first than stick with pt work and not get your full 9000 till after 2 months work. He will try to finish the conversation with a gripping hand shake to try and put fear into you. Certainly someone that needs ass kicking himself.

Fact, it is ashamed why american government would allow chinese to work in usa government considering of all miliary secrets and other things are being hacked by chinese and leaked out and fed to China.

As I have worked in the Military years ago myself I know its wrong to my experiance these years in China that for 3rd world country people to be allowed working in Canadian or American government, police, security, office, whatever is 100% wrong and a huge fault.

Fact, foreigners are not allowed to work in the Chinese government, so why is our countries allowing chinese. Stupid it is

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