Return to Index › Re BEWARE EF JIAXING
#1 Parent Beth - 2015-01-24

Not in my firsthand experience. Of the three DoSs I worked under in two years of EF, one was well intentioned but inexperienced an was easily controlled by the owner, hence my decision to leave. The second was one of the best managers I have ever worked for; fair, reliable and put the teachers and students first. The last was a Chinese woman hired as a mouthpiece for the owner so again I chose to leave.

None were bullies, none had huge egos. Neither did any of the other DoSs I met during EF seminars that I attended as part of my role as senior teacher and trainer.

EF can be dreadful, it can be very good. I've heard nothing but good things for example about the EF centres in Xian and Chang chun. Others are not so good. Each case should be looked at on its own merits... And again, the use of English and spelling of the op in this thread would lead me to believe they weren't hounding him over money requests, but because of his inability to spell basic words, like viza.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-24

"Director of Studies" is a position for former fast-food workers from West. They are all failures and losers.

Invariably they tend to be bullies to boot, and have a huge ego.

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