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#1 Parent Beth - 2015-02-01
Re Beware of Sino British College

No problem! I've passed your email on to a couple of my friends there 😊

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-01
Re Beware of Sino British College

Hi Beth, I've been in Taizhou two months and have a hard time finding foreigners to do stuff with. The one other FT at my college doesn't like to do much, so I have been bored. The only activity I have found is an English corner and its all Chinese pretty much. If you have any info you would like to share I would appreciate it.

This lack of foreigners could be a blessing, Matt. You don't have to learn Mandarin to get by and have a gay time in China, but in your situation where there's a lack of willing foreigners to chew the cud and make merry with, I would suggest you get your head down and learn the language. Then you can find some Chinese friends. I would stay away from sordid bars if I were you ,they'll empty your pockets.

#3 Parent Matt - 2015-02-01
Re Beware of Sino British College

Hi Beth, I've been in Taizhou two months and have a hard time finding foreigners to do stuff with. The one other FT at my college doesn't like to do much, so I have been bored. The only activity I have found is an English corner and its all Chinese pretty much. If you have any info you would like to share I would appreciate it.

#4 Parent Curious - 2015-01-28
Re: Re Beware of Sino British College

"evidence of which is littered across this forum."

Poetic justice !
Love it !
#5 Parent Beth - 2015-01-28
Re Beware of Sino British College

I didn't say China was all roses, did I? Again, I said there is a balance. It's not all good, but it is not all bad either. You would understand this if you weren't so reliant on sweeping generalisations to make your "points".

So you were good at languages years and years ago, but not at science, so by that ethos you decided to just get your gcses and forget about a-levels at sixth form? What route did you take to university? You didn't seem to know what an access course was when I brought it up as my route to university all those months ago, and in fact were one of the ones championing using my attendance at a college to sit this course as a method of implying I hadn't attended university. So what exactly was your route to uni if you believed sixth form to be for GWs only, hmmm?

It depends where you go in Italy. I lived in calabria and it was quite cheap by European standards.

Yes, you can find those things in any country, that was my point, well done for catching up with my thought process... The point is yes they exist, but you have the choice whether to seek them out or not. If you choose to do so and end up meeting shady characters, you can't then apply thier lifestyle and personality to every single Chinese person, as you do with your sweeping generalizations.

As said before, whilst in Taizhou I mainly frequented Lucky's bar or Passby bar. Normally the latter as it was usually just my friends and I in there, we got on well with the bar staff and they let us have control of the music. Towards the end of my time in Taizhou a friend from the UK opened a western style sports bar next door to Passby, so we went there too. There were bars where prostitution was rife, we tended to avoid them. It is possible to do so.

My going to China had nothing to do with feminism. You really ought to stop using word as, to quote Inigo Montoya, it does not mean what you think it means. I went to experience teaching in Asia, to see if I could take any of the Asian methods of teaching and incorporate it in to the western style. I went to be a better and more experienced teacher and to provide quality education to the students in my care. We all know the sordid reasons behind your choice to go there, evidence of which is littered across this forum.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-28
Re Beware of Sino British College

I went to educate, you went to whore about... If you lie down with dogs, you get fleas...

You would love to prove that, wouldn't you?

I actually only had a couple of girlfriends, 1 or 2 I miss dearly. I did not go about shagging whores, contrary to what you may believe.

Or, to put it in a way your simple mind can process

Simple mind?! A straight a student in foreign languages at my high school, the vocabulary of someone much older than my age are primary school, yes, I was tested, and the headmaster was amazed at the results, so language and words is my bent, so to speak, but conversely I was crap at maths and physics, so call it a left brain, right brain thing, if you will. Never bothered with sixth form, a waste of time, only for GW wankers imho.

if you go looking for the negative aspects of a place, you find them.

If you think China is all roses, you are very mistaken. I have had some chinese friends complain to me of the place also.

Italy is a beautiful country with lovely people

Absolutely right. It is on my bucket list.The food, the wine, the scenery of the tuscan region, I do want to go. But it is expensive, and I heard Rome is very crowded and full of scammers.Venice interests me, the rest, not so much.

but had I gone to brothels and places of ill repute I would have met some very shifty and shady characters and I would have had a very different experience.

True, but you can also find those in bars anywhere in the world. Are you telling me that you never set foot in a bar in China? I know you did by your own admission!!!! I never even went to bars in Taizhou, but I suspect you lived in Jiaojiang Qu, that place is full of foreign weasels let me tell ya!!!!

You went seeking a certain lifestyle, you found it. That's not indicative of all of China.

And whats wrong with that? You also went seeking your feminist lifestyle, you make your choices, I'll make mine.Consequences be damned!!!

#7 Parent JOS. - 2015-01-27
Re Beware of Sino British College


I've lived in many places. Had good days and bad days alike in all of them. But some places are shittier than others.

China's a huge place, a mixed bag.

#8 Parent Beth - 2015-01-27
Re Beware of Sino British College

Except that he didn't...

#9 Parent Beth - 2015-01-27
Re Beware of Sino British College

You still went for different reasons; I went to educate, you went to whore about... If you lie down with dogs, you get fleas... Or, to put it in a way your simple mind can process, if you go looking for the negative aspects of a place, you find them.

Italy is a beautiful country with lovely people, but had I gone to brothels and places of ill repute I would have met some very shifty and shady characters and I would have had a very different experience.

You went seeking a certain lifestyle, you found it. That's not indicative of all of China.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-27
Re Beware of Sino British College

You will be flat out finding a 19 year old virgin anywhere in China these

Absolutely right. Maybe in some remote rural areas like a tibetan or uighur village perhaps, but certainly not in any han dominated area. Han Chinese, think discussing sex is bad, yet do anything and everything behind closed doors. Hypocrisy!!

#11 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-27
Re Beware of Sino British College

Why? Because he wrote the truth?

#12 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-27
Re Beware of Sino British College

You say I don't know China? No, you do not know China.

I was there for 10 years and speak fluent chinese.And you?

#13 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Beware of Sino British College

What a moronic post.

#14 Parent Beth - 2015-01-26
Re Beware of Sino British College

I shall respond to your multiple responses with just one.

1: Please provide links to where I have promoted anything about "good Chinese girls" - I don't believe I have, so I no doubt you will a) fail to provide links - and b) say this is something you have gleaned (sic:made up) from my postings.

2: More generalisations, good lord you lot have tunnel vision! If one person is like something then everyone else must be too! Makes sense really, because everyone acts the same way and has the same personality! /Sarcasmoff

3: Having more than one phone doesn't make you any of the adjectives you mentioned. Sometimes it means you have two phones! I have a work phone and I have a personal phone, as do many, many people in the world.

4: No, he didn't say rape, which is why I said it sounds like rape. As the statement "get them inside and close the door and then...." would to any normal person.

5: You claim I do not know China. I do, I'm just not a jaded, bitter misogynist who is there mainly to prey on Chinese women I claim to have little but contempt for! I was there to teach, so the experience I have is that of an educator, not a drunk, skirt-chasing waster. I met some wonderful people who I am still friends with, I met some wonderful students that give me a lot of hope for China's future. I didn't spend all my time around the seedier elements of society, in and out of brothels or pubs known for their working girls and their pimps. You say I don't know China? No, you do not know China. You know only the negative because that's all you went looking for.

#15 Parent Gold and Silver - 2015-01-26
Re Beware of Sino British College

Correct, you certainly know your stuff. Beth has been speaking s..t on here for some time now. Her lack of knowledge in regard to Chinese women, especially young ones is indeed laughable. I have found the best ones are usually in the 28-35 year age bracket. Younger than 28, or older than 35, they are almost always f..ked in the head. Like a UK mate of mine says in regard to Chinese girls: The hardware is often excellent, the software is totally f..ked!

Yes, many Chinese women have multiple BF's, are liars, and don't want to work. They even think marriage means "don't work". This rubbish about "traditional Asian girls" is a stupid and outmoded stereotype. Maybe in 1985 they were traditional, it's 2015 now. You will be flat out finding a 19 year old virgin anywhere in China these days.

#16 Parent San Migs - 2015-01-26
Re Beware of Sino British College

He seemed to have a lot of success. Even with chinese girls with chinese boyfriends. All this nonsense Beth promotes about good chinese girls is laughable. I know for a fact they will cheat on a boyfriend at the drop of the hat, and see nothing wrong with having 2 or even 3 boyfriends. If she is always on her phone, or has more than one mobile phone a laowai guy should wise up, that is a sure sign she is a cheater and a digger and will grab whatever she can for attention and/or money.

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