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#1 Parent James Milken - 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou

Without doubt, public universities are the only way to go for anyone considering teaching in China. I really can't thing of anything positive about working at a training centre. I worked at two of them, two of the most horrible experiences in my life! I stuck to the public schools only after that. I'll never fall into the language mill trap ever again!

#2 Parent Beth - 2015-02-10
Re EF Baotou

James, where in Dalian do you work? If you've been there 8 years there's a good chance our paths may have crossed in the past!

#3 Parent Arian - 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou

That is the failing of the private sector, in the public sector, no office hours, you finish your classes, you are free to leave, you have no classes on one day, your whole day is free. Most get burned out on training centre work.

Yep, that is generally true of the private sector in China. But each to his own. I, for one, just like you probably have, have met too many stressed-out language mill FTs to ever consider switching from the public to the private sector. What's more, I need virtually all of my weekends and evenings to chill out totally, as well as long seasonal vacations.

#4 Parent looking 4 esl - 2015-02-09
Re EF Baotou

i trhink ur school is sound good :b u say many tyhing about a nice city an i think, ahhh i will like to be there, too :b

#5 Parent Gina Hancock - 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou

I agree with that post. Who wants to come to China and burn themselves out and make some dishonest school owner rich? I'm 49, I've had enough of that corporate slavery nonsense in the West.

I feel working at a public university is the only viable option.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou

Granted weekly work hours are often longer since most require office hours in addition to actual teaching hours.

That is the failing of the private sector, in the public sector, no office hours, you finish your classes, you are free to leave, you have no classes on one day, your whole day is free. Most get burned out on training centre work.

#7 Parent Jamesnchina - 2015-02-08
Re EF Baotou

I'm surprised to read the opinion that working in the public sector is far superior to working in the private sector with regards to salary. Quite possibly it is area dependent because in my 8 years experience in the Dalian area private sector gross wages are much higher than public schools. Granted weekly work hours are often longer since most require office hours in addition to actual teaching hours. I found your post to be an interesting perspective even though like mine it included no supporting details.

#8 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou

I'm making 5500 a month. I only teach 10 clock hours a week in a senior high, and it isn't much money, but I am comfortable and am enjoying my time here.

I feel sorry for you, man. That's a really LOW salary!

How on earth can you say you're sorry for him when he tells us he's/she's comfortable and enjoying him/herself? Sounds like he's cracked it to me.

#9 Parent Spector - 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou

That's a really LOW salary!

Not in Baotou it isn't. Especially for low hours and with free apartment chucked in. Said FT could save 4,000 rmb (400 quid) per month and still live ok, especially with plenty of time to do tutoring at 150-200 an hour.

#10 Parent Robert - 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou

I'm making 5500 a month. I only teach 10 clock hours a week in a senior high, and it isn't much money, but I am comfortable and am enjoying my time here.

Looks like to me, he is OK with it, to each his own.

#11 Parent Public Sector Oral Teacher - 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou

You needn't feel sorry for me because I'm on 5500 a month. That's not the whole story. Read on, please.
Friday the 19th of December of last year was the first day of my Spring Festival holidays, and I will resume teaching on the 2nd of March. Ive received my December salary and my January salary to date. My February salary will be paid to me at the beginning of March. So I've no complaints at all.

Where else can you get more than two months' salary while on your seasonal holidays? Certainly not in the private sector!

#12 Parent Ted - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

I'm making 5500 a month. I only teach 10 clock hours a week in a senior high, and it isn't much money, but I am comfortable and am enjoying my time here.

I feel sorry for you, man. That's a really LOW salary!

#13 Parent Public Sector Oral Teacher - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

I'm making 5500 a month. I only teach 10 clock hours a week in a senior high, and it isn't much money, but I am comfortable and am enjoying my time here. I don't drink noe smoke, but I eat out in a nice restaurant at least once a week and cook western food for myself (buying cheese and more expensive meat, etc.). As well, I know some people blowing through 9,000 a month. They are out every night, always take taxis instead of the bus, never cook at home...

Liveable is totally different for every person. My city can be as expensive as Shanghai or as cheap as any other 2nd tier city in China. It's up to you. Do you go to bars? Do you eat at western restaurants every day? My city has really nice street food (a fantastic bowl of noodles for 5rmb outside my school) and they have a very upscale area with all the western amenities and prices.

I find salaries here (in teaching) to be a bit low for such a nice, modern city. Nice place to live. LOts of expats with loads of cash locally in the business world.

Most of the teachers I have met so far here are either in relaxed jobs in the public sector on low salaries, or working themselves to death in the private sector for a mediocre salary. Luckily, I have the necessary academic qualifications to work public. I'd never work private as I know I would hate the accompanying stress and long hours. The extra salary wouldn't compensate for the increased stress and loss of free time.

#14 Parent Beth - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

Of course it is!

#15 Parent Beth - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

Ha! Most of them don't even see it as a real job, simply a way to secure a visa for their extended sex tour of Asia!

You're completely right that they will never understand just how rewarding this job is. Seeing understanding and comprehension dawn on a kid's face is by far the best thing about this job for me. Giving a child the ability to communicate in a different language is just such a wonderful experience.

One thing though, unfortunately most of the troll here haven't returned home, tail between legs... No, they're still sleazing their way across China, doing part time conversation classes and thinking this makes them experts on ESL.

You'll note one has already implied you're not a native speaker. Please do ignore them!

I worked at EF Dalian under a wonderful DoS so I know they can be good places to work given the right team, I'm really glad your EF is one of those!

#16 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

Is it possible that a native English speaker would call himself a "happy worker"?

#17 Parent Happy Worker - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

Hi Beth,

Let the trolls come, I am happy where I am in my life and my job. Let the haters hate, for after all they are the ones who don't get the full understanding of this job and as a result have became bitterly negative towards the job. They are the ones who tried and failed, and had to go home with their tails tucked between their legs, to return to that comfort zone of a boring normal life.

I just realised that there was very little ever said about my school on this site - I guess that's a good thing considering it's been operating for 5 years - so I wanted to post something to let people know that it's actually a good place to be.

#18 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

Overall I don't really have man bad things to say about the city, I have enjoyed my time here and I'm looking forward to continuing my time in the city...if I could wish for one thing it would be for a better level of English ability around the city...but then again that has also helped me to improve my Chinese ability in the time I have been here!

So refreshing, a good positive attitude. You realised the city had a shortcoming(insufficient English spoken) but you got galvanised and turned that into an advantage for yourself. Well done.

#19 Parent Spector - 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou

I have been to Baotou,and am not impressed by your post at all. While I like the inner mongolian food, and find some of the ethnic mongolians there very friendly and interesting, you do realise it is a province much like Siberia where the ne'er do wells were sent to, and has a bad reputation, even amongst other han chinese. The lamb and milk and yoghurt is excellent.

Why defend EF though? why not work at a public gig?

#20 Parent Beth - 2015-02-05
Re EF Baotou

Really glad you're having a good experience!

And I apologise in advance for the slew of negativity and insults that are likely to be thrown your way by the boards resident trolls; ignore them, I feed them enough as it is!

Just know that those of us real teachers who look at this board know better! :D

#21 Parent Qingshan - 2015-02-05
Re EF Baotou

Great that you're a happy worker/teacher @ EF Baotou, and good to see a positive post on this board for a change. I think you have what it takes to enjoy teaching and working in China. Unfortunately, many of our fellow posters do not have what it takes upstairs to do so. That's indeed a pity!

Happy Worker - 2015-02-05
EF Baotou

I've been at EF Baotou for 2 years and I'm on my 3rd year contract along with 2 other teachers. We have 6 teachers, so to half 3 on a 3rd year contract says a lot I think.

I like the city, it's clean and you rarely have the smog filled sky, having nice blue sky most of the year around is great. There are some down sides to the city, such as when it is cold in winter and there isn't much to do, but in spring, summer and autumn you can go around exploring. I have a petrol scooter which I drive about on...we really shouldn't be driving them without a license, but the polce don't enforce this law. I'm not saying this city is like the wild west though, because I can honestly say I haven't felt safer walking around alone during the day or at night, than I do in Baotou.

We often think there is nothing to do in this city...but that is mainly our own fault for not asking Chinese colleagues or friends what we can do in Baotou. The level of English in the city is very low, so you can't just rely on instinct to find things to do, you're betetr asking friends and colleagues and they'll find you plenty of things to do!

The people in the city are fairly friendly, I prefer the school being at the Wanda Plaza than where it used to be back prior to 2013 in the Baobai area where people would gawp at you walking to work, now with the school being in one of the best parts of the cities, the people are better off in their lifestyle and they are used to seeing foreigners, unlike those near the Baobai area! I no longer feel like an escaped animal from the zoo!

The school moved to the Wanda Plaza in October 2013, so the school is still fairly new, it looks great...the old school was run down and just disgusting looking, it's now a vibrant school an a much better place to work. During the past 2 and a bit years I have been here there has also been an increase to teachers wages, but the cost of living hasn't increased, so we are all even better off than before.

We have a great team at the school, as I said we have been retaining teachers well recently, but we have also been retaining the progress advisers, too. This is making things much better as before it used to be like a revolving door with Chinese staff, so we now have a good core team which is pleasing to have!

Overall I don't really have man bad things to say about the city, I have enjoyed my time here and I'm looking forward to continuing my time in the city...if I could wish for one thing it would be for a better level of English ability around the city...but then again that has also helped me to improve my Chinese ability in the time I have been here!

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