Return to Index › Re: METEN / Review on "Meten English", Shenzhen, Guangdong
#1 Parent snitch - 2015-02-11
Re: METEN / For the teacher who thinks he is not "stupid" or "dumb"

you sound Chinese you [edited][edited], it was a good post ,nothing wrong with it, I think u are on the wrong site mr superstar

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-08
Re: METEN / For the teacher who thinks he is not "stupid" or "dumb"

you are very unlike some of us great teachers

Again, for all posters who write on ESL jobs boards like you were raised in a gutter (much
like the ignorant people on this thread who don't know how to express themselves in a
normal, rational way), know this: You deserve to come from the most underprivileged
upbringing from a country where opportunity is so little and seemingly non-existent.

Fortunately, Martin, this country's students have the seemingly existent opportunity to learn from great teachers like you.

#3 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-02-08
Re: METEN / For the teacher who thinks he is not "stupid" or "dumb"

Damage limitation exercise because your employer may face severe criticism soon? Those comments were posted in 2011.

#4 Parent Martin Devlin - 2015-02-06
Re: METEN / For the teacher who thinks he is not "stupid" or "dumb"

To the above poster, I completely agree and when people in these threads make comment's like, "This school is dumb" and "Every foreigner who works at training schools are dumb/stupid" and "training schools are for stupid foreigners and stupid students"...who is the one that sounds ignorant? SERIOUSLY! No one reading this is sympathizing with you. We all think you are the idiot man. Anyway, let me try to communicate in a way that ignorant posters might understand:

I don't know how it is that many people in this thread and on ESL job boards in general write in a way that gives the impression to readers that they were raised in a gutter. I'm sorry that you have had a bad experience or multiple bad experiences. That's largely your fault. Perhaps you are a wheel-spinning "teacher" in China who is wandering aimlessly. Fortunately, you are very unlike some of us great teachers who teach and travel with purpose and are currently / will be successful at life. Many of us had have great experiences teaching abroad and I'm sorry, I don't feel bad for you.

Again, for all posters who write on ESL jobs boards like you were raised in a gutter (much like the ignorant people on this thread who don't know how to express themselves in a normal, rational way), know this: You deserve to come from the most underprivileged upbringing from a country where opportunity is so little and seemingly non-existent. You deserve to experience an extremely difficult way of life and switch your life with someone who deserves a much better life. I guarantee that person would do five times as much with your current life than you personally ever have/would. Stop complaining on job boards and figure your own life out until it's a good one and don't make accusations about people being dumb or stupid who you don't even know. I for one have worked in private schools and training centers in Korea and China for a combined two years. I have made excellent connections in and outside of school and in my city. I have traveled the continent and have truly felt rewarded by the students and staff members I have had the privilege in working with. It was an awesome experience because of my attitude, the research I have done when job-searching, etc. Three words for you: Figure it out!

#5 Parent Now is the winter of our discontent - 2011-12-12
Re: METEN / Review on "Meten English", Shenzhen, Guangdong

It is always better for an FT to work at a public university or college. There is no heirarchy, teachers have flexibilty to teach in the way they know is suitable for their students. At training centres this is not the case.
No DOS, no TA's, no useless Chinese or Western "managers". I doubt that there are any "smart people" at Meten, that is really a rubbish statement for you to make. Meten has a very bad reputation. Training schools are for dumb foreigners and dumb Chinese people who can't obtain employment elsewhere, especially "TA's", by far the dumbest of the dumb!

Just because a school has a bad reputation, doesn't necessarily reflect that certain individuals inside the school are stupid. As I stated before, there are some smart people in Meten. Not everybody, but some brilliant and open minds. Also think about the people you are indirectly insulting, technically you are calling me, yourself and everyone you met in Meten dumb.

Please put less bitterness in your posts and a more rationality.

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