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#1 Parent Outlandish - 2015-02-27
Re Meten English China

Quite a bit of anger from a few people. [edited]

#2 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-02-11
Re Meten English China

I love Meten , I am a 65 year old drunk, they employ me illegally and even fix he raffle at the new year party so i win, love it, i am the sell out snitch,

it was paid for with all the money stolen from teachers paying to much tax which of course goes in local managers pockets

Hahaha, have you got an accompanying paunch as well? You may be able to do a good turn as it happens; we have a poster just like you (maybe a tad younger) He's been after a position in China for yonks. Now, if you think that all Chinese women should be put to work in pink rooms and stuff, you and him will get on like a house on fire. You'll know him when you read him....

#3 Parent Randy King - 2015-02-11
Re Meten English China

I love Meten , I am a 65 year old drunk, they employ me illegally and even fix he raffle at the new year party so i win, love it, i am the sell out snitch,

it was paid for with all the money stolen from teachers paying to much tax which of course goes in local managers pockets

Jason - 2015-02-02
Meten English China

Meten English has terrible management and is a school that cheats students out of large amounts of money. Students only get to use the English that they have already learnt in high school. Chinese students spend so much money and are given terrible books and courses with no syllabus.

The courses were written by a clown that insults Chinese culture, insults the English language, make stupid sarcastic comments about how stupid Chinese people are and the books are full of drug references and even insult Meten.

The bosses are too stupid to have read the Meten books or understand that a drugged up Canadian was making fun of them and his job (Jason)

They do not care about teachers. The Chinese staffs are so worried about their jobs they just try to blame foreign teachers for everything. Around 90 percent of foreign teachers do not renew their contract because of the poor local management and terrible teaching material which is just so bad

The bosses of this company just look at sales figures and do not care about their customers’ education or staff morale. They don’t even realize that Chinese managers are terrible by simply looking at the staff turn over rate. It has a company culture of fear so no one has even told the bosses the man he employed to write his great books was laughing at him and China.
;) ;)

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