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#1 Parent Andrew - 2015-03-01
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Where is Duangzhou? Is it a district of Guangzhou?

#2 Parent Curiocity - 2015-02-28
Re Yuncheng ielts school

He went to Duangzhou with his Chinese girlfriend and her daughter through her previous marriage. That was some years ago. Since then, who knows what he has been doing!

In my view the accommodation issues are dwarfed as minor negatives when compared to the huge advantages of having a TA. But other FTs think otherwise. Fair enough! Nothing in this world is 100% perfect, and that goes for working for IELTS School too!

#3 Parent Andrew - 2015-02-27
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Any idea where Paul went? If Yuncheng IIELTS plans to attract and retain native English speakers they really need to stop providing sub standard accomodation.

#4 Parent JohnP - 2015-02-27
Re Yuncheng ielts school

I saw the advert too for EV. Does anyone have any information on what they are like to work for? I did apply and they rapidly replied pretty much begging me to come. When I asked further questions though about exact locations, they wouldn't answer my directly. I also saw another advert for another school in the area a few weeks back but they appeared to be independent of both of these mobs. Does anybody local to Yuncheng know what the deal is? I am just finishing up a contract in Taiyuan and am looking to head down that way so as to be near my girlfriend in Linfen.

#5 Parent Curioucity - 2015-02-27
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Paul back at Yuncheng IELTS? I doubt that very much.

Of much more interest than that is the main local competitor's ad for 2 vacancies posted on 'greasy spoon' on Thursday 26th, yesterday. They are required to be in Yuncheng by Friday 6th and must be native English speakers this time round. Last year non-native English speakers with good English were invited to apply, but not this time - could that be because the visa regulations cannot be circumvented these days? I suspect that there are very few Africans left in Yuncheng.

#6 Parent watchdog - 2015-02-27
Re Yuncheng ielts school

There was an 'Andrew' who used to work for Ielts School who sent him to Yuncheng Normal College, where he managed to convince the dean to employ him direct instead of through Ielts School. Naturally, Ielts School wasn't impressed in the least about that. And, if you are that 'Andrew', do you have any information as to the whereabouts of Chris C, one of the two Ielts FTs @ Yanhua who used to lace his beers with bijiu to boost the alcoholic content of the beer?

#7 Parent Andrew - 2015-02-26
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Is Paul the Canadian back at Yuncheng IELTS?

#8 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-09
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Mr River and his gang seem okay to me.

Yes, they are indeed! In fact, very very okay. Harry and Mr R have much integrity in comparison with the Chinese norm in that respect.

Yes, nice to have a TA. True they can spy a bit but as long as you're a confident person- well that's merely just amusing. If you are subservient to a fragile disposition, maybe best not have a ta.

I'd say if a Westerner is mousy and lacking in confidence, he (or she) should avoid China as a country in which to teach English. EFL in China is like a minefield that is very difficult to traverse intact.

Furthermore, re TAs, they can assist you in the classroom, especially when class discipline is required to be exercised by the teacher/TA. Chinese students will accept severe verbal criticism from Chinese staff, but if a foreigner berates them, they won't accept it because they've been made to lose face by an outsider. They will resent that very much, even if it is warranted due to antagonistic behavior from a few moronic students. Of course, a good TA can act as an interpreter in the classroom to speed up what is to be taught during each class, and create a good learning environment to make it easier for students whose English is poor to learn useful knowledge.

Good luck with your upcoming travel arrangements to Yuncheng. By air direct from Beijing to Yuncheng is probably possible. In hindsight, you would have been better to fly to Xi'an from England as Xi'an is relatively near Yuncheng. But maybe there weren't cheap flights available to there.

Thank you.

You're right about the flying directly to xian. I don't know what happened there, she got a good price though.

Absolutely right a TA can tell the class off with impunity, and avoid you getting on bad terms with sometimes the whole class. Whether you know any Chinese or not it's a big mistake to use it in an English class; and a bigger mistake to use Chinese to reprimand students. If you keep a dog (TA) don't bark yourself. You should also allow the TA some say-so/some input regarding lesson plans; it makes them feel like a 'professional' (hate that word) and feel wanted. Having said that occasionally you may need to put your foot down.

ChinaVisaDirect say we will get out passports back on Wednesday. That's for me and Esther only of course...although they did want the wife's passport too- and her ILR card.

#9 Parent Curiocity - 2015-01-09
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Mr River and his gang seem okay to me.

Yes, they are indeed! In fact, very very okay. Harry and Mr R have much integrity in comparison with the Chinese norm in that respect.

Yes, nice to have a TA. True they can spy a bit but as long as you're a confident person- well that's merely just amusing. If you are subservient to a fragile disposition, maybe best not have a ta.

I'd say if a Westerner is mousy and lacking in confidence, he (or she) should avoid China as a country in which to teach English. EFL in China is like a minefield that is very difficult to traverse intact.

Furthermore, re TAs, they can assist you in the classroom, especially when class discipline is required to be exercised by the teacher/TA. Chinese students will accept severe verbal criticism from Chinese staff, but if a foreigner berates them, they won't accept it because they've been made to lose face by an outsider. They will resent that very much, even if it is warranted due to antagonistic behavior from a few moronic students. Of course, a good TA can act as an interpreter in the classroom to speed up what is to be taught during each class, and create a good learning environment to make it easier for students whose English is poor to learn useful knowledge.

Good luck with your upcoming travel arrangements to Yuncheng. By air direct from Beijing to Yuncheng is probably possible. In hindsight, you would have been better to fly to Xi'an from England as Xi'an is relatively near Yuncheng. But maybe there weren't cheap flights available to there.

#10 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-06
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Cool you'll be in Yuncheng round about Spring Festival. Yuncheng is a fine city, and another poster has supplied reasonably current information that suggests the ielts company will return to its former glory come next academic year. I say so coz contracts between agents and schools will be finalized at the start of an academic year rather than midway through, as parents will gladly pay the extra fees to the schools along with the other fees at the beginning of an academic year.
I've done my due diligence, and wish to teach alongside a TA at a state school in China, even though that will necessarily be on a reduced salary due to the TA's presence. My priority is teaching well, not maximizing my salary, and a TA is the way to go in that respect in my view.
Impart the latest, please. Thanks for responding to my initial post.

Providing we can get from Beijing to taiyuan, yes I'll be thereabouts for Spring Festival. The problem is is that the tickets were on sale early this time. and they're gorn-train-wise I mean. So, it looks like an aeroplane. Her Chineseness was on about booking a coach, but sod that for a game of soldiers. We bought the International tickets yonks ago.

Mr River and his gang seem okay to me. Yes, nice to have a TA. True they can spy a bit but as long as you're a confident person- well that's merely just amusing. If you are subservient to a fragile disposition, maybe best not have a ta.

#11 Parent Curiocity - 2015-01-06
Re Yuncheng ielts school

Cool you'll be in Yuncheng round about Spring Festival. Yuncheng is a fine city, and another poster has supplied reasonably current information that suggests the ielts company will return to its former glory come next academic year. I say so coz contracts between agents and schools will be finalized at the start of an academic year rather than midway through, as parents will gladly pay the extra fees to the schools along with the other fees at the beginning of an academic year.
I've done my due diligence, and wish to teach alongside a TA at a state school in China, even though that will necessarily be on a reduced salary due to the TA's presence. My priority is teaching well, not maximizing my salary, and a TA is the way to go in that respect in my view.
Impart the latest, please. Thanks for responding to my initial post.

#12 Parent swallow - 2015-01-04
Re Yuncheng ielts school

I'm pretty sure you can fly direct to Yuncheng of Shanxi from Beijing. Note that Shandong also has a 'Yuncheng city'. Don't fly there in error!

#13 Parent Coalman - 2015-01-04
Re Yuncheng ielts school

At 2014-11-08 09:38:55, "运城雅思学校" <> wrote:

:Greeting from Yuncheng IELTS School

Dear Foreign Experts,
Good morning. How are you doing? Long time no see. We hope you have a good time. This term we negotiated with the school and government, finally we have got the chance in Yuncheng College to cooperate. If you are interested in this position, please contact with us. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.

Yuncheng IELTS School

#14 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-01-04
Re Yuncheng ielts school

I will hopefully be in that area next month and will enquire for you. If I get there!! I see this morning I don't have rail tickets from Beijing after all. I suppose it'll have to be an aeroplane to taiyuan. I do have some business in Yuncheng though.

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Curiocity - 2015-01-04
Yuncheng ielts school

Wot's the latest about them?

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