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#1 Parent Nanana - 2015-03-03
Re Web International Yangzhou

Don't blane it on the FTs, Web (just like other language mills) can't attract qualified teachers with the salaries they offer, you pay a lot of money but most of it end up in the pockets of the center's manager and is not used to hire real teachers on real wages.

#2 Parent GREG - 2015-02-22
Re Web International Yangzhou

wow, is that Ida my former student at Yangzhou Web?? Hi! Long time no talk. I'm on wechat at zeelandgreg. Ive left China now, after working at Shanghai Web. Yes, Yangzhou makes some mistakes. I can tell you what they told me and said to us. I'm so sorry if you ended up having a bad experience with her. I was told they hired her just after I left. Is that true? I heard about her, and she used to ask students to translate everything for her for free. She was a hipster, etc. and had purple hair or something. I am sorry about that, because you were such a good student, as we talked. Please stay in contact with me at zeelandgreg or Greg

#3 Parent GREG - 2015-02-22
Re: Web International Yangzhou

Hi Henry. I worked at Yangzhou Web from 07/09-05/10. The teachers then were ok, named Alan, Alan (Australian), Emmett, Nick, and an Indian/Canadian guy, and myself, Greg. Tracy the franchise owner has an excessive beliefs about how teachers should be; they allowed no media sources for Social Club lessons. Teachers were forced to draft PPTs, without any repetition of topic for one entire year. The students were overall happy with us, but I was transferred to the Shanghai school, in part because I requested it. As soon as I left, Alan from Australia left, only one month later, because he said they had pushed him around. Shanghai was not this way for anyone who wants to teach for Web. Some Webs are franchised, as is Yangzhou. And she runs it in a restrictive way. The Chinese Tutors actually told the students to speak CHINESE when in the office, so that their conversations with the students would be private from the foreign teachers. When I told staff in Shanghai about this, they could not believe it. I was pretty appalled. Tracy wants the teachers to do everything as she thinks ideal, but she doesn't listen to teachers. She goes by any info she can collect from students. Tutors and Chinese are very us and them, and it feels like they are working against the foreign teachers, and thinking they know better about education. Many teachers come and go from there, and I can tell you why.

#4 Parent Ida - 2011-02-18
Re Web International Yangzhou

I am a student in Yangzhou Web. I am preparing to go abroad.I have passed the exams with high scores.

I am disappointed with the Web ib in yangzhou. The foreign teachers are not qualified. The good and well educated teachers don't stay here for long. Most of them have already left after working only for few months.

I think i can share one incident here. I had a private class witha lady teacher from North America. She is young, so she thinks she is beautiful. She is very proud. But she is stupid! I am sure she didn't have higher education as most of the foreigners in China. She checked my homework and said it is bad. I am sure she could not correct spelling mistake or grammatical mistake. I got the second opinion from the tutors. They said my homework is excellent. I am also confident about my writing.

I asked her the reason and she was mad at me. That was the worst class in my life. If doesn't have the patience to explain then she should change her job.

She used to teach in a primary school for 2 years.She is 24 years old. Obviously she didn't have proper education or any qualifications.It is not easy for her to teach adults. She doesn't have enough knowledge. Most of the students in Web have passed the exms such as TOEFL or IELTS or CET$ or CET6. Their grammar, reading, writing is much better than the foreign teachers. I don't think the foreign teachers in Web caan even pass the CET4 exam.

Will Web stop hiring high school student as foreign teachers?
We pay a lot of money, so we expect the quality.Please get rid of the high school ......

Web has no qualified teachers at present. Will you hire qualified teachers?

#5 Parent StuckInChina - 2010-12-27
Re Web International Yangzhou

This is so often the case with Web anywhere in China, it seems. Their business practices are questionable at best and that "take the money and who cares if the students learn anything or not" way of thinking is seriously damaging the companies reputation in many cities. At the branch I work for, we're losing corporate clients fast and I have to sit in class every week and listen to students who regret the day they walked through Web's front door.

#6 Parent golden girl - 2010-05-14
Web International Yangzhou

I totally agree with you. I was born and brought up in yangzhou. I am ashamed of what they are doing in the WEBI in yangzhou. It is an adult school, but there are so many children and sometimes it looks like kids training centre. It is an English trainng centre, so they should know that kids are not allowed in the adult school in the English countries. They don't care about anything. they lie to the students to make money.

The school is not following the rule. will the head office take action against it?

The school is good at expelling the staff from the school if they don't like them. The teachers are not professionals. Professioanl teachers who joined the school school run away in few months or fired by school.

I also heard that the tutors are not doing professional job. They don't have any teaching experience. They just graduate from the university.

I very much diappointed about this school in my home town.

I hope things will change soon.

#7 Parent Henry - 2009-10-30
Re: Web International Yangzhou

Hi Kevin, I worked there for a short period. I lived in yangzhou for long time. But Web is a new school and working environment is really bad, especially the staff. I was forced to leave my job and i really had a bad impression. I worked there few months after they opened the school. may be the staff doesn't know how to respect foreigners. Their mentality is really strange.

Also other teachers left the after few months. no one stays there. In one case students created problems to the teacher and he left as he didn't have any choices. I still have a doubt that some of the staff were behind these students.

I can finally say the school is not prepared for foreign teachers.

Kevin - 2009-10-06
Web International Yangzhou

Hi, I am Kevin.

What do u know know about Web International in Yangzhou? Is it a good place to work? How is the working environment? i am looking forward more information, opinion and suggestions.

Thank you.


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