Return to Index › Re Meten School, 2015
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-04
Re Meten School, 2015

Keep up the good work your doing, your going places. ha ha.

Here we go again... :D

#2 Parent Robert - 2015-03-04
Re Meten School, 2015

My life is more fulfilling than yours, yes.

You've got the wrong Robert.

Nice try though.

FYI, I have many friends here and back home.

Nice try though.

Keep up the good work your doing, your going places. ha ha.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-03
Re Meten School, 2015

So, you've reached old age and have retired but feel the need to boast about not working, to those that still work?

I take it that you don't have that many friends in the over 65 group then. Not surprising as I do believe that a previous poster with the same name as yours, did prefer to keep the company of 'younger friends.'

I wouldn't consider your life to be a very fulfilling one, really!

#4 Parent Robert - 2015-03-03
Re Meten School, 2015

I'm retired and don't have to work, like you do.

Ha ha.

#5 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-03-03
Re Meten School, 2015

They obviously can't handle the fact that when foreigners came to stay in their country (China), they made it better!

Robert is obviously just another Chinese GW, with the interests of a Chinese boss to defend!

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