Return to Index › Re Meten School, 2015
#1 Parent John O' Shei - 2015-03-06
Re Meten School, 2015

Yes, a legend amongst the wumaos and GWs indeed.

#2 Parent Ken Dewley - 2015-03-06
Re Meten School, 2015

I beg to differ - Beth Livermore from the UK is a real legend in Chinese ESL!

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-03-05
Re Meten School, 2015

We'll let other readers be the judge of that, Beth's second or third alias.

#4 Parent Somebody - 2015-03-05
Re Meten School, 2015

No, he has never been "outed" as a "fraud" on here or other sites, neither have I.

There is no need to "out" you as frauds.

It patently oozes from every word you write!

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