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#1 Parent martin hainan - 2015-03-24
Re Web International Yangzhou

If your reading comprehension, writing skill and ability to reason are characteristic of Web International Teachers, you would serve your employer best by restricting your on-line communication.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-24
Re Web International Yangzhou

to understand the way that growth relates to business analysts.

But education should not be about business, or the crappy TC business model like EF et al.

I suppose you would charge people for the rays of the sun if you could get away with it.

#3 Parent GREG - 2015-03-23
Re Web International Yangzhou

Your examples are not only foolish, but contradict your point. Although their product may be illegal, their service might actually be strong. Yet, despite your insolent and immature retort, try the Wall Street Journal, or Fortune 500 to understand the way that growth relates to business analysts. So like the troll I addressed earlier, your smug and rude refutation above would have to be used against most Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, Coca Cola, and HP. So, you don't fool anyone by trying to tell Bill Gates or the CEO of HP that the growth of their companies means nothing, because the drug cartels have growth also. Wow, you actually think maybe that's effective? Only online, but not in any public place where you would be levelled immediately by any common sense person.

And then, the small promo: Wall Street. Indeed. I assume this means that you think that the growth of Web means nothing but that Wall Street, perhaps lacking the growth that Web has had, is somehow superior? Ha. I don't want to be too insulting. You are a type of cavalier misanthrope. I guess maybe you work for Wall Street, but you didn't learn much about business there. PS. the weapons industry is not considered equivalent to human trafficking or the drug cartel. Maybe someone needs to clue you in on what is legal or not, seem to like Wall Street for no apparent reason, yet its costs twice as much as Web or EF, and our students said it was boring, and the teachers had little freedom to communicate with students.

#4 Parent martin hainan - 2015-03-12
Re Web International Yangzhou

"Check the growth" of drug cartels, the military weapons industry, the human trafficking trade.
The argument that the exceedingly profitable nature of an enterprise indicates quality of service and integrity of operation is specious.
Wall Street English. Indeed.

#5 Parent GREG - 2015-03-10
Re Web International Yangzhou

It's the opposite of what you say. I see that you post a lot on here, as if patrolling other people's views. But, your views about most private corporate language training schools failing their customers is entirely incorrect. Check the growth of the following corporate educational institutions: Wall Street English, English First and Web International. You somehow have enough time to patrol these blogs, but you don't reflect accurate knowledge. And people on here should ignore your comments as much as possible.

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