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#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-04-01
Re: Redoing business outside the education sector

thank you for that.That said, being homeless in the cold and the wet is no fine, I suspect it is easier in warmer climates, but then you have the problems of humidity and mosquitoes to deal with, esp. in more tropical areas. I truly believe like this guy says that a lot of homeless people are just victims of circumstance, and not all are drug addicts or so on.

There is a guy in England who works as a piano tuner and who chooses to be homeless because he hates owning stuff and being in debt, watch below:

#2 Parent Fifi - 2015-04-01
Re: Redoing business outside the education sector

I like the homeless because they rebel against the "petit bourgeois" attitude that easily takes hold of wealthy societies.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-04-01
Re: Redoing business outside the education sector

By making an effort we can elevate ourselves from sleeping on the park bench to getting a job and buying a house. But there again it was predetermined that we were going to make that effort anyway. No way for us to know for sure, is there?

A lot easier said than done when many things can be working against you. I don't think all the homeless are bad people, nor the people who help them out.

Watch this, to restore your faith in humanity a little:

As he says, things can go bad for anyone, we could all "hit the wall" at anytime.

#4 Parent Fifi - 2015-03-31
Re: Redoing business outside the education sector

I think I see your point, David, about the celestial bodies. I think that what you say is that there has been no randomness in the way the universe has been expanding since the BB. You would probably say that when an asteroid hits a planet like earth, this hit was predetermined from the beginning: the trajectories of both were on a collision course since the beginning, right?

But then, you extend this reasoning to a human life. Although an asteroid and a human being are both made of energy, a human has intent. I am not saying that an asteroid does not have intent, but whatever is the case, I am going to risk saying that a human has more. Enough to change his/her destiny. Destiny, in my opinion, is a choice that a person/animal makes before incarnating, a choice of encountering some situations that will force us to learn specific soul lessons. But a person who is very aware of his/her learning curve can bypass the learning situations and go directly to the essence of the lesson with the power of intent and awareness. In the same way that I believe that pain is simply a learning tool, I believe that a person who is well aware can learn without the presence of pain (the way, for example, that some artists bring awareness out of the chaos of unconscious contents). So, yes, some events are predetermined but the human mind (and I am not excluding the mind of some very evolved animals) can bypass them/change them.

#5 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-03-31
Re: Redoing business outside the education sector

Naw... Can't agree. In my opinion, yes there is karma that predetermines some major events, BUT each of us has the power of choice, each of us has free choice to steer away from pre-ordained trajectories.

At least you got the right word 'predetermine/determine' which is more than I did. 'tis scary though, what I think may be true; it would rather mean that we are all flotsam and jetsam. It may appear that we can interfere with events. By making an effort we can elevate ourselves from sleeping on the park bench to getting a job and buying a house. But there again it was predetermined that we were going to make that effort anyway. No way for us to know for sure, is there? Does seem a good theory though- the big bang happened with an exact force and direction, so it's not hard to accept that all the celestial bodies were formed in a predetermined fashion.

#6 Parent Fifi - 2015-03-31
Re: Redoing business outside the education sector

Naw... Can't agree. In my opinion, yes there is karma that predetermines some major events, BUT each of us has the power of choice, each of us has free choice to steer away from pre-ordained trajectories.

#7 Parent yu2fa3 - 2015-03-31
Redoing business outside the education sector

Thanks for the encouragement. The future plan is to get both businesses to the point where my wife and I can take a back-seat - sleeping partner arrangement. Two months ago we had an offer for the studio business but it was too low. We've also had offers for the new business. Life is short. I want her to have the opportunity for foreign travel so we can experience these things together. To get to that point means a lot of work now which will, I hope, pay off in the long term.

You are so right. We are all born with our own spectre of death who sits on our shoulder from cradle to the grave. It's his job to remind the grim reaper when our appointed time is through. Don't know why we bother actually myths aside when physics and the big bang seem to indicate that there are only preordained outcomes to everything from eating a bag of Smith Crisps on Jan 8 2018 at 1500 to the cold slab 6 months later.

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