Return to Index › Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang
#1 Parent wigglewitz - 2015-04-23
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang

From my experience, DD Dragon Cangnan has not caused me a great deal of distress but has been frustrating to work for at the best of times. All neccessery legal requirements were paid in full and pay has until recently been in accordance with the contract on time. I say until recently becouse they are in the habbit of introducing new clauses to your contract at aby time without consulting you and deducting pay. Do not expect any support teaching wise, do not expect to reciece the holidays you are entitled to and certainly dont expect help in renewing your visa should you chose to leave DD after your contract ends. regarding the last comment, the only previous teacher to work here with any disability repeatedly stole from local businesses and exposed himself infront of an elementary school. Thats not something you can expect any school to really tolerate. I would strongly suggest you dont go here, its run purely for profit with no regard for teachers experience.

#2 Parent lolpman - 2015-04-05
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang

I have nothing to say other than I find this review to be true.

I "worked" at the school had a horrible experience of not being prepared to teach and not getting the support.

They hired me despite having no ESL certificate immediately... before I even thought about how my work and life would be impacted by my disabilities in a culture I didn't understand. So from the get they failed help me adapt and staff actively under minded me, spread rumors.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-03-25
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang

Wenzhou people have a bad reputation [edited]

#4 Parent ???????????? - 2015-03-24
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang

This is exactly why your school is shit! shit attitude, shit T.A's that can't write or speak proper English and shit management that don't really give a shit. I could write a more detailed account of how bad Lingxi and Longgang schools really are but I'm not going to waste my time there are already so many bad and negative comments and reviews on the internet. If this was my business getting so much attention for being shit I'd be F*****g embarrassed and try to do something to make it better! on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the best, you don't even get on the scale you don't even deserve a rating , oh wait yes you do IT'S SHIT!

#5 Parent looking 4 esl - 2015-02-09
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang

shangahi is big city! :b ! u can tell ur school 2 get some ball an game to make kid to be happy in class :b

#6 Parent ???????????? - 2015-02-07
Re: DD Dragon Wenzhou, Cangnan, Lingxi, Longgang

Having worked here about a year ago this school is absolutely awful, the classrooms are outdated and need have nothing to help you teach you have one ball and then get moaned at and complained against when you cant think of any new games, some of the t.a's are lazy and will try and get you in trouble for the slightest of things, you are told you dont need to do any lesson plans but then all you are given is one page in a book and told that is what you are teaching today 15 minutes before you start teaching. There are no board erasers or anything just dirty wet cloths. Also the Ta,s are so strict that the children don,t have or are not allowed to have any fun then there is the TA in charge she is just terrible at her job and complains to Mr Chen all the time about the stupidest things and he can,t speak a word of English he just cares about money he doesnt care about the needs of the teachers or his staff there are no holidays because you have to make up all the classes I really wouldn't come here it depresses you and after a few months you will realise it is just a nightmare. There is nothing to do at all stay away there are better schools with better pay and better benefits I am now working in a much better school in Shanghai.

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