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#1 Parent martin hainan - 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

Martin Haian, a Chinese name.....I thought you may be way. Your English and
cultural understanding of America is way to low.Learn English before you criticize thsoe
who understand their native tongue of English.

Thank you for your elegantly written and intuitive advice. I will labor diligently in an effort to improve my written English skills and my understanding of contemporary United States culture.
#2 Parent Veritas - 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

He never criticized economists. You are a 20 something who must have done bad in economics and so YOU attack economists not the person your referred to. He wanted to work with economists and so he went to another university. He has taught at many places before (read his web page) If you knew anything at all about economics, you would know the JPE (Journal of Political Economy) does not advertise jobs. You are a smart aleck American kid. Neither does the AER or any other econ journal advertise for jobs.

Those are refereed journals, something way beyond you.

He has published many papers and I think you are one the American kids that we American economists do not have to teach in China, thank God. You are nothing compared to the Chinese students. they are smarter and more polite.! A good portion fo Americans are rednecks and I think you are one of them. Are you just a Northern redneck or a redneck from the South?

#3 Parent Veritas - 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

Martin Haian, a Chinese name.....I thought you may be way. Your English and cultural understanding of America is way to low.Learn English before you criticize thsoe who understand their native tongue of English. Some of you Chinese supervisors (only those in insular provinces like Jiangxi, and in central China westward) do not understand English enough. And then you get mad at foreigners when you get confused. I suggest you write down exactly what you mean and let the foreigners do the same . And then do not try and be a mind reader and think you can disregard what the foreigner said. The real big city Chinese foreigners and they were right when they told us to not trust inland provinces. It is just language difficulties. Do not get angry. Learn from the Chinese in larger cities.

#4 Parent Veritas - 2015-05-14
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

Everyone knows this is an ESL board and at the same time subjects -such as math, economics, French, etc. (besides ESL) need foreign teachers. Often those type positions are advertised ON THIS BOARD as well. If you want Americans you need to treat them with respect. A person more highly educated than you and with more experience is not going to want to work with you if you treat them as an underling. The best scholars in China always treat Americans well, absolutely always. Welcome to the world of Westerners. Beijingers, Shanghai people and the people from other larger cities get it. You can to.

#5 Parent Fifi - 2015-02-20
Re: Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

I enjoy your posts, economy or ESL. I like your no-nonsense approach.

#6 Parent Balo - 2015-02-20
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

I did not criticize ESL teachers at all. I do not have an ESL certificate but sometimes Chinese schools assume you are good at ESL if you have a PhD. That is not logical at all. That in Jiangxi thought that way or actually a you administrator did, even when I told her I was not an ESL teacher.

That is why I do not venture into your area of expertise. As for the JPE, the Journal of Political Economy, they are peer reviewed, blind refereed. These forums are not and I wish I had not posted anything on this place to begin with. I told the truth....another person in this thread had unhappy experiences in Jiangxi. Yet no matter where I have taught in China, I remember the good times and got a good rec.

I am not as smart as you. ESL is not my bag .

#7 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-20
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

Dear G[edited] Doctor, you are posting on an ESL teachers forum, at
As an EFL instructor, would it be rational if I complained about my Chinese University employers on the Journal of Political Economy and criticize the capability of economists?

I d not ever teach ESL
#8 Parent Dr. Paul Gentle - 2015-02-19
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

whatever...I stated the truth and I am real busy....and your comments reflect your experiences

#9 Parent Balo - 2015-02-19
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

If you are just an ESL teacher, then go there. I d not ever teach ESL. In further checking a person in their 20s did not understand. She said she talked to the econ dpet but had not. I am patient with Americans and Chinese in their 20s.

how man articles have you published for refereed academic journals over your 30 year career?. My career in economics has been over 30 years. I have published at the request of Chinese and American economists. If you have not figured out that there are different parts of the CCP, you will later after a decade or two of being here, like myself. I was not working through a job agent. I was working directly with the school. Chinese do not debate as much in public but they do a lot in private and almost all Chinese economists are non-Maoists. (There is no economics to Maoism that has any logic. Economists are not philosophers. They are realists.) You ever heard of Deng Xiaoping, who opened China up for you and I. I love the math and science abilities of Chinese. I think you should continue you to concentrate on helping them with ESL/ That's just not for me. Once you get a PhD they wish to use you in another area and expect you to publish, which I love. Chinese economists are great to work with, so objective and they understand the math so well. If you do not like economics, that is fine. . There are 70 million party members and they are VERY individualistic . . But they are also so much moor sophisticated in math and science than many Americans

They are so sophisticated that in public they are united, unlike Americans., who too often love to attack each other. In about 1.0 years when you have had more China experience , you may understand what I wrote., But maybe not. Either way, I wish you the very best

If you have the urge to assume you know more about my life than I do, well you know, that is the American youth way. Why do you think I prefer Chinese? They are most often smarter and kinder. I would never care nor speak about your career. Good luck with ESL. I am sure you are great!!!!!!!!!!!

#10 Parent San Migs - 2015-02-12
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

Avoid that province, crap, crap, crap!!!! Even other chinese know it is not a good place. You will be screwed royally in Nanchang, and "enjoy" dismal winters to boot.

#11 Parent martin hainan - 2015-02-12
Re Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

Your 'job agent' did all the lying. If you have taught in "all the famous places" in China, why are you using a recruiter to contact Universities?
Blaming Mao, the Communist party, and Jiangxi province is as sensible as finding George Washington, Virginia Republicans, and the State of Virginia responsible for being refused a job at Virginia Tech.

Trusted wrong province - 2015-02-12
Jiangxi Finance and Economics Univ

I have taught in China at all the famous places, Beida, Renda, others including Hong Kong. I was told by party members in Beijing to never trust Jiangxi province, where Mao started his revolution. If you work in China you will find different types of party members. Beijing Party members told me never trust Jiangxi party members because they are in the extreme and do not trust Americans. It was the old bait and switch for 2 months Jiangxi telling me I would teach in my major and then at the last second they switch to oral English. They also lied to the job agent about it. Because of this I am staying in America and not going to China at this time. Jiangxi wasted my time and I was not wise in trusting them. >:(

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