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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-21
Re Guangzhou Saintshine Education

It sounds like a training centre or agency which does ring alarm bells.

Email: Skype: Mike622811 Tele: 0086-13829788567, Office: 0086-20-3866203

Call him and ask things like:

What kind of visa will you provide me with? If it's anything other than a Z visa, run...

Are my vacation periods paid?

Also, listen to his level of spoken English. If it's really bad, he's purely a ruthless businessman with no knowledge of teaching skills whatsoever. Not the kind of person that you'd want to be evaluating your performance as teacher, right?

teacherchina - 2015-05-21
Guangzhou Saintshine Education

Anyone knows about Mike from Guangzhou Saintshine Education ? ? Is he reliable?

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