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#1 Parent The Joke on you - 2015-05-22
Re Alexander English School Shijiazhuang

i agree with you. That post is a rubish thing there posted by "Mention -- 2015-04-28 ".

nobody can believe it.

although many 'Foreigners' are still finding an "ideal" job in China. which means many scumbags can not live in their countries, may beacause they dont have money , they are lazy and have not educational at all. most of Poor people wanna see great PR China.

what a sad plan.

No respect if any wrong spelling here ,that is really funny and unstopable ,just like Penta Kill, in the web. even Programmers and Scientists may type wrongly.
i know you are not An English Speaker , lol ,

u are a poor person

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-05-20
Re Alexander English School Shijiazhuang

Writing like that should be 'illgel.'

Simple rule: If you don't write like a native speaker, you do not get any respect here.

#3 Parent Funny SA YYf - 2015-05-20
Re Alexander English School Shijiazhuang

what do you think about this shcool or contract . i dont believe the guy who post this message. He or she must did something illgel .

#4 Parent I taught there for a spell! - 2015-05-15
Re Alexander English School Shijiazhuang
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