Return to Index › Re: Re Rubbish Yuncheng EV Training Center
#1 Parent ralec123 - 2015-06-12
Re: Re Rubbish Yuncheng EV Training Center

Yep, discount China. We in China can all relocate as FTs elsewhere, maybe mainly to Formosa.
Diverting this thread is a dirty tactic. But the damage has been already done. Your manipulation is too late and too little!
You've come out of your shell. and we can all see you unmasked! I wonder if Silverboy will step up to the plate! Or has he morphed into a manipulator too? There are posts from me that I feel he should answer. If he doesn't, I will be disappointed. Anyway, so what! The damage has been done. Nobody from EV will dare to crawl out of the woodwork to defend EV now, I reckon. Well, we shall see, won't we?

#2 Parent The Truth - 2015-06-12
Re: Re Rubbish Yuncheng EV Training Center

Well, I don't know about it and neither do any of the teachers I have run into around China.

Korea, Thailand, China, GCC, but no TW...

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-06-12
Re: Re Rubbish Yuncheng EV Training Center

I feel sorry for people who feel teaching in China, especially at a private school is their only option in life.

I want to hear about Teaching and living in Taiwan, places like that. People keep on banging on about China as if it is the best thing since sliced bread. Go out, conquer new areas, find new ground. China will not change. good post mate.

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