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#1 Parent AC_YC - 2015-09-14
Re Physical

It is a requirement to have a physical examination throughout China to be able to complete the process for an invitation letter for a 'z' visa. In some instances you can miss out the chest x ray and ultrasound which should reduce the cost slightly.

You can download the form here,

You might be able to find a Doctor who will stamp and certify these credentials at a cheaper price but you will need to send something to a prospective employer first. The physical will have to be redone at the designated foreigners hospital in the provincial capital where you intend to work. This is because it must be certified by Chinese doctors. There is no workaround on this.

Your consulate may not require the document but the school would require it to be even issued with the invitation letter in the first place.

To be legally employed in China you need a 'z' visa and associated residence permit which requires the medical exam.

As for the six month rule, you are correct. Generally schools are unwilling to offer a contract for six months as the initial cost to them in recruitment and the costs involved in procuring you the 'z' visa and resident permit can well exceed 10,000rmb. It is not cost effective for them to do so. I say this as someone who is involved in recruitment for my school (we do not use agencies) and see first hand the ever evolving rules and regulations that we must follow.

Eslguy - 2015-09-13

Hello TEFLers!

I am hoping someone can provide some intel on this.

I would like to come to China, but, the cost of a physical where I live is practically criminal ($700). I am not paying that money, only to do another physical once I arrive in China (especially after paying for a ticket there).

I keep running into the same nonsense with schools, regarding this matter. But, I am also aware that this depends on which province the school is in. But my experience has been clouded with the physical and needing it in order to receive the invitation letter. So, is that policy isolated to preference or providence guidelines?

In addition, a physical is required for a stay of six months or longer but I keep running into the same demand. It also seems that positions lasting for six months are becoming less common (while job boards being taken over by filthy recruiters has become more so).

I just want to do the physical in China. I am not paying $700 here for something that will be done upon arrival.

I have all necessary education and experience. But, are there provinces that don't require the physical until arrival? I know the Chinese consulate in my country doesn't require it in order to process the Z visa, so I am trying to just that accomplished.

It seems the TEFL industry is turning into the garbage can that is Korea.

Anyway, some guidance would be helpful.

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