Return to Index › Re Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China
#1 Parent San Migs - 2015-09-24
Re Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

Irrelevant now as it has finally caused me to email the mods, and quit these boards. And to think all because of a picture....[edited]!!!

#2 Parent martin hainan - 2015-09-23
Re Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

The picture is the mayor of a small Chinese city getting caught with a prostitute, who is endeavoring to quickly leave.
I posted the picture in response to

Eslguy <> - 2015-09-19
I have encountered Mrs. Wang and almost worked with her school. I honestly felt she was good to go

I'm intrigued by the Chinglish acquisition and abuse of actual western jargon: "good to go", especially when used by Chinese individuals masquerading as actual native language speakers.

Only Silverboy apparently got the double entendre reference to the importance of a working girl or married woman's ability to quickly depart post-coitus, i.e. a woman who is "good to go".

#3 Parent San Migs - 2015-09-23
Re Fei Fan English School, Fushun, Laioning, China

Enjoy your holidays.

You could just say: "French was never my strong point." Why do you have to taint your comments each time?

True, but on the other foot, and without meaning to argue, you could have just answered my comment about that picture with a couple of sentences, instead you offered forward some critique intended to make me look retarded/stupid and you academically superior. I wish I had never revealed anything education wise to you.

But in all seriousness, enjoy your vacation, I need to take time away to get my work visa solved and other priorities, so I also maybe won't have time to post here until after lantern festival.

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