Return to Index › Does anyone have information, good or bad, about Happy Valley International Experimental School in Guiyang, China? Is it a good school to work for?
#1 Parent Tim Wright - 2015-12-16
Re Does anyone have information, good or bad, about Happy Valley International Experimental School in Guiyang, China? Is it a good school to work for?

I just interviewed with this school. What can you tell me now that you've been there for a little while?

#2 Parent whagood6 - 2015-11-22
An important question that I need help to answer

Hello everyone

I do not know where I should write this question so I will need to write it here because I need some help. I recently had to leave my first position in Beijing to return to the United States and have, as previously noted, accepted the position teaching in the city of Guiyang. Currently, I have a Residence Permit from my previous employer in my passport, but will need to obtain a new Z visa here in the U.S. for my new work location. I understand there are different work permits in China and my new school needs a Foreign Expert Certificate, not an Alien Work Permit, to start working for them, so the process will take longer than I previously expected. My first school issued an Alien Work Permit to me, which is why I will obtain my first Foreign Expert Certificate. Since I have never before gone through the process that I need to obtain a new Z work visa with a new school with the residence permit from my previous school still within my passport book, I am puzzled about how to do this and do not know if this process will be difficult or simple. My Residence Permit expires later next year. I wish the answers were easy to find, but the internet is very vague on this. Can anyone help me out? I really need an answer about this.

#3 Parent whagood6 - 2015-11-19
Additional information to my previous post.

By the way, I really like this school and, since my previous post, I have made the decision to sign the contract so I will start working for them soon. I really like this school and the offer they presented to me was really top notch. In addition, the nature surrounding the city of Guiyang looks absolutely beautiful and the city looks just as attractive at night as well, according to the photos that I looked at on the internet. 8) 8) 8) 8) I looks like the perfect place to start a new position.

whagood6 - 2015-11-19
Does anyone have information, good or bad, about Happy Valley International Experimental School in Guiyang, China? Is it a good school to work for?

Hello everyone, especially those working in China

I just accepted a position working as a teacher in Guiyang, China at the Happy Valley International Experimental School and would like to know from teachers currently working in China if any foreign teacher has had experience working at this school yet? In the contract I was sent nothing looks amiss and nothing seems to stand out as a red flag. But my issue is I have not found any information at all about this experimental school online. No bad ratings, no red flag warning signs, and definitely no disgruntled former employees. Nothing at all, except for advertisements describing the need for foreign teachers at the school. Can anyone help me out? I have another interview for a great position working as an English Language Trainer in the United States that will take place next Monday and I do not want to worry or feel like I have gone down the wrong path after I have accepted a position with this school. Replies that answer the questions being asked above will be appreciated very much. Thank you very much.

Return to Index › Does anyone have information, good or bad, about Happy Valley International Experimental School in Guiyang, China? Is it a good school to work for?

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