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#1 Parent QuoVadis - 2015-12-11
Re: Re Shanghai United International School

Intellectual property rights are individual rights. If so, the leading elites of a society with a collectivist mindset would not necessarily enforce them.

the root of the problem lies in a lack of serious enforcement when it comes intellectual property.
#2 Parent Laowaiguoren - 2015-12-10
Re: Re Shanghai United International School

Confucianism and the top-down organization of society is one small part of a bigger picture, the root of the problem lies in a lack of serious enforcement when it comes intellectual property.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2015-12-09
Re: Re Shanghai United International School

Nope. The Japanese have a collectivist mindset yet can innovate very well.

#4 Parent QuoVadis - 2015-12-09
Re: Re Shanghai United International School

They need to get rid of their collectivist mindset, then it might work.

Why not an award for someone with the most innovative and creative ideas? It will never happen!
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