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#1 Parent Sedona - 2013-05-10
Re: Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam. - ESL school review

I would like to give a review regarding Morning Star. My daughter has attended for 3 years. We have only seen professional behavior from the school. The teachers are quite strong, and the resources are excellent for the students to learn. The administration supports the parents and teachers by having a very open line of communication. I was surprised to see the initial review from a teacher and felt necessary to voice my experience. I highly recommend Morning Star because of the family atmosphere and level of professional behavior.

#2 Parent Lance Friesen - 2013-05-06
Re: Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam. - ESL school review

I am currently employed at Morning Star International School. This is a new primary school started after the success of Morning Star Kindergartens. I found the reputation bashing from the initial poster to be incorrect and emotionally spurred. I would like to shed light on my experience at Morning Star.

I am employed as the Operations Manager at MSIS (primary school) and found the initial review from 2007 to be quite disappointing. I have watched Mrs. Trieu for almost a year now. I have only heard of one employee disagreement and it sounds similar to the initial poster. (Both being prone to emotional outbursts rather than professionally talking through disagreements.) Many teachers stay for a number of years, so the initially poster is clearly not the majority.

This year I have witnessed a great deal invested by Mrs. Trieu into our new primary school. She has done a complete update to our facility, hired professional teachers with university degrees, purchased curriculum and resources shipped in from the United States and filled the rooms with up to date technology. Her commitment both emotionally and monetarily has been both refreshing and rewarding. She has transparent contracts with clear expectations. I have not been blind-sided by new responsibilities but rather given the resources needed to properly build the school up. This has been my experience at Morning Star and I feel it is the experience of most teachers.

#3 Parent Responder - 2007-05-07
Re: Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam. - ESL school review

This is like a response to Soul Bro which responded to Confused which responded to Dazed in the first place.
So like whats wrong with writing english good? You no like bein smart? or just wantin to vent your stuff?

Or maybe Dazed and Soul Bro could just write something intelligent? Would that be so difficult? Does grammar and spelling and punctuation really change all that much when we're upset? Do we actually use better grammar when we're elated? Our ability to log on to the internet and write something on a message board is tied to our emothional state?

Or is it just sloppiness?

So many more of us will take so many others so much more seriously if they conduct themselves as intelligent adults and not as whiney babies. I first started to read that original post yesterday and just couldn't wade through it, only because of the emotional crap associated with it. Does the original poster behave that way at work? And if so, is he/she treated poorly because of it? When he/she goes home and behaves that way at school or work there, he/she will get the same negative treatment there also; it'll just be exhibited differently.

#4 Parent Larrrie White - 2007-05-06
Re: Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam. - ESL school review

This is in response to Confused. Please get your head out of your A--- and listen to what people
are saying, These Posts are mot formal letters and when people are writing them sometimes they are JUST venting !........@#$%.
Yes this is Asia but it is not f--king Mars. There is no excuse for mistreating people no matter what part of the planet your fro. I can't think anything meaner or more cruel than to lure somebody thousands of miles from HOME and then ripp them off. Maybe if we listened with our hearts and open minds to what people are saying instead of our tight assed grammer rules THE WORLD WOULD BE MO'BETTA


#5 Parent Confused - 2007-05-06
Re: Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam. - ESL school review

Are you a native English speaker ? and a trained teacher ? if so, standards have slipped somewhat.
Typos are one thing but pleeeeeease............ let's have some decent phrase, sentence and paragraph construction, not to mention spelling and punctuation.

I can understand you are angry at your treatment but this is Asia and 'their' reasoning is not ours.

Your post would be I'm sure, more literate and readable if you checked it before posting. As it is, it stinks.

Caroline Turner - 2007-05-05
Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam. - ESL school review

I am writing this as a warning for anyone even thinking of working at Morning Star International School in Hanoi Vietnam.

Trieu Nguyen


Morningstar International Kindergarten. Hanoi - Vietnam

Van Phuc Campus :Tel.844.7261587 Fax.844.72561588

Tay Ho Campus :Tel.844.7195115 Fax:844.7195116

The owner of the school seems to suffer from a multiple-personality disorder and is completely out of lunch most of the time. Example, we will have a meeting and she will say we are going to do A, B, and C this way now ! Ok, no problem start doing A, B and C and a week later she comes in a piss foul mood. "why is A, B and C being done like this !!?? I don't want it done this way!!!!" so I show her the minutes from the meeting clearly stating that IS what she want and she replies "I am too busy but I changed it again and forgot to tell you !!! you need to be more flexible!!'. Now I understand working for any Vietnamese is going to require flexibility and patience, but I am now sick and tired of this happening weekly and having my work load outside of school doubled or tripled. Even recently she cut the lunch hour from one hour to half an hour so we can "get more work done" and now expects me to develop an ESL program in my own time at I can spend more time at school learning the hip-hop dancing routines for the kids. Now I was quite cleared when hired that dancing was not something I could teach and my experience and qualifications were in ESL and young learners.

Another time this poor excuse of a "director" sent me an email saying I should have a "talk" with one of the staff who could never manage to show up to work on time. Reluctantly I had this talk with the teacher and she then basically told me off and to mind my own business. Naturally this cause me to get quite angry but I was not able to suspend the teacher as our only substitute was covering for another teacher on sick leave. Now the amazing part is the director then got angry at ME !!

She then told me that this teacher was quite upset because her she caught her boyfriend sleeping with some other Vietnamese women.... for some reasons I think the director was told this in confidence and was her telling me this girls whole sex life and relationship trouble...and using it to excuse her unprofessional attitude. When I showed the director the email she sent me THE DAY BEFORE telling me to do this, she blew up saying I should not be questioning her decision and she is the boss.....and when I tried to explain that is what I was doing what she said...she said she made a typing error !!!!

Not only did she tell me to do something (I still have the exact email somewhere) the director does not support one of her managers and leaves me out to hang...she tells me the personal sex life of the girl who just told me off......this is the absolute bottom of unprofessionalism..and I resigned my position shortly after.

After leaving this so-called school it got even more interesting. The director proceed to call the other International schools in town and warn them about me. Yet this plan failed, as MS TRIEU has quite a negative reputation in town and one school director called me offering me a position. He laugh and mentioned that he has hired several teachers who have left Morning Star (not in a good way) and that these teachers tended to work out well within the new schools. Due to a different offer I did not accept, but I am still in contact with this person and we share a good laugh at her expense on occasion. She even lied and told staff members that I was looking at inappropriate websites on the school computer...something I would never do knowing how easy it is for an administrator to check what has been viewed...and it is something I don't even do on my home computer. She even went as far as to get a mutual friend to invite me to dinner and find out what legal actions I was pursuing after she threaten to sue me (for breaking the illegal contract)..naturally I was able to see through this ploy and stopped it immediately

I hope this gives prospective teachers some insight into what they are in for at this school. The school will not help you get a proper working visa and you will be working must times this is fine but in Hanoi they do check this sometimes and you might find yourself in hot water and deported. She is well know in the Hanoi teaching community as a bit of a farce...more money than brains type yet she will try to spread false accusations and lies about you, unfortunately so many teachers leave in disgust that this often back fires and other schools will contact and hired teachers the MS TRIEU has warned them about...that in itself has to explain her reputation in Hanoi.

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