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#1 Parent Random actor - 2007-05-10
Re: BYD COMPANY - ESL school review

I bet when you decided to live and work overseas you were looking for adventure.

Danny Loboman - 2007-05-09
BYD COMPANY - ESL school review

Warning!!! This school cheated me out of my last month's salary.

This is my first post. I took a job at this company called BYD company Limited in Shenzhen. I work with another foreigner who reads this forum allot and told me about it.

We both have been having lots of problems with this company. Both cheated out of salary. Lied to about visas. And required to work many more hours than the contract sepecifies often with out extra pay.

Here is my story:

Working at BYD, BYD Auto a total horror story. Cheated every month

So I came to this company in Shenzhen called BYD Limited at the end of January to work on a 3 month contract. All seemed nice until the lies and cheating started piling up.

The first lie is salary related as were most of the lies and issues from this company.

The first month I was here I was asked to start work early. I asked about the salary and was told I that would get paid the full months salary. I said that was ok and started working. Pay day came and guess what LIE NUMBER ONE! They only paid me 1/2 the salary and started making excuses as to why I received a lesser amount.

After speaking to several people I was told that even though I did much work for them I didnt work the full month so they decided to pay me by the hour. They didnt pay me for many hours spent going to research books for them at various book stores around Shenzhen or for many hours spent coaching their staff.

Then they had the nerve to say that the contract didnt start till March so they didnt have to follow what the contract said.

My loss about 4100 rmb.

The second salary issue came when they agreed in writing to clarify that the contract said that I got paid 20 hours a week and that overtime was calculated on a weekly basis and that I got paid 20 hours a week even if I worked less . They agreed to this in writing.

Salary day came and they said they are not paying me overtime about 25 hours worth. When I said that the contract stated I got paid this amount and we clarified this in writing the training director replied I DID NOT READ THE DOCUMENT BEFORE I SIGNED IT SO IT IS NOT VALID and refused to pay me the overtime. My loss about 2500 rmb.

The next issue came to be the schedule. My contract said 20 hours a week. The first schedule was about 42 hours a week. I tried to explain to them that I was a part time employee and did not want to work so many hours and the contract said I worked only 20 hours a week. They still tried to push me to work so many more hours

First 24, then 28, then 30 hours a week plus travel time. And they just dont care what I tell them.

Horror stories when getting them to anything they promised. Everything was a hassle and they never delivered on anything that was promised me before I came. Item like business cards, a laptop, air conditioner for my room, clothing wardrobe, practically everything became a nightmare. Very few things that were promised to me ever materialized. The few things that were given to me had to be argued for. Everything became a battle.

My pay is supposed to be paid on the 12th as agreed. For no reason BYD training department said they are going to pay me on the 17th. No reason given only that I will get paid on this day when everyone else in the company got paid on the 12th, the day I was told I would get paid.

Next comes more schedule issues. Now they are trying to force me to work 150 hours every month even though I told them I want to stick to 80 because every month they cheat me out of pay.

Visa issues. They got me an F visa and told me it is ok to work on it. Once they decided they wanted to take tax out of my salary I told them they need to provide me with a proper working visa. Their solution, I must keep working on the F visa, they will tax me, and they will Hide me on their tax rolls so where is this money going to end up?

Finally I give 7 day notice and tell them I am tired of their non-action on any issue I bring to their attention or any help I request. I ask about the 4800 rmb that is due me for what I have worked this month. Their response they are not going to pay me. Reason is simple, they do not have to pay me. My loss, 4800 rmb.

To date this company has stole about 11,000 rmb from me through outright lies.

To sum it up, BYD Company, Ltd in Shenzhen is a low rate company trying to appear big by offering many things to lure you into working for them but, like so many other companies in China, falls very short of delivering and winds up CHEATING YOU OUT OF MONEY EVERY TIME THEY CAN. Complaints to the HR person who recruited me got me this response :In China getting cheated in business is part of doing business here

I resently resigned as did the other teacher. Both of us worked here less than 3 months and both got cheated and lied to on a regular basis.

2 teachers in such a short time...

They are prospecting heavily for new teachers. Don't fall for the lies - you will be cheated and used up quickly.

My first job in China and my last. I will exit quickly and get out with a very bad taste in my mouth and a great loss of income.

Stay away from BYD unless you really want to be cheated.

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