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#1 Parent kungpow - 2007-05-26
BNU Zhuhai Update - ESL school review

Miracles do happen but every cloud casts a shadow. We now have air conditioning in some of our classrooms! Not a big deal? Last week the temperatures were in the mid 30's in the classrooms, peaking at 37 degrees one afternoon.

So the shadow, well once again pay day comes round and most of the faculty were stiffed on their wages. The reason they forgot, the answer pay us next month. I have been hearing that for over six months!Well i suppose the wheels are turning slowly now we just need the railway crew to finish tunneling a year ahead of schedule.

kungpow - 2007-05-12
BNU Zhuhai - ESL school review

BNU Zhuhai is a beautiful place to live but not so great a place to teach at; especially if you are a professional teacher. Think carefully before working here as there are several "issues" not mentioned anywhere else.

Once i had signed my contract i was informed that BNUZ has a non-aggression agreement with local schools. This means you cannot work at some of the other local colleges and universities even after your contract with BNUZ ends. This includes switching to a different faculty at BNUZ.

English teachers here are treated as second class citizens. Foreigners teaching for other departments receive the benefits of a fully equipped apartment, air conditioned classrooms with multimedia facilities and a larger salary for less classroom hours.

The classrooms we are assigned are saunas by midday with students often complaining of the heat let alone the teachers.

The pay is hourly so no sick pay,no holiday pay and minimal airfare reimbursement. So don't fall for the large hourly pay advertised.Plus my wages haven't been right once and no pay slip to show how they arrive at such wildly differing totals each month.

You are expected to pay for your visa, check-up etc (fair enough) but you will have to chase the faculty to do this in time. Several teachers have been warned by the PSB for not having a valid visa. i was close to missing my deadline despite repeatedly nagging the management to ensure my permit was done in timely fashion.

If you have any problems don't expect any help from anyone; the management is hopeless (lunatics running the asylum comes to mind). They expect you to follow your contract to the letter but will break their end of the agreement all the time.By this, forget anything you may have agreed prior to signing your contract or discussed in your interview. If they want you to work 24hrs 28hrs a week they will expect you to. Plus they provide no support of any kind but expect you to pay for all the necessary paperwork yourself, if you are sick or unable to attend class unexpectedly, they expect YOU to pay another teacher to cover.

Wages for most of the faculty are often wrong as in , they "forget" to pay for overtime or will pay your overtime to another teacher and then expect you to sort it out yourselves or they just plain forget to pay you enough.

The students are ill disciplined and technically we cant even fail them. Several teachers were told to up the grades for students they had failed, some of whom may have come to class once or twice in a semester.

So i guess the main point of my review is this if you are looking for somewhere nice to "teach" (meaning- don't give a sh*t about teaching but love to party, drink and engage in general delinquency) and don't mind the minor problems you will encounter then BNUZ is the place for you!

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