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#1 Parent Larrrie White - 2007-06-01
Re: Arabian Gulf University - ESL school review

It seems that this busines if teaching english is out of control Teaching should be a labour of love but now everybody wnats to get rich.
Make big impression. Make big money. Because the only value in learning English is to make money. We can't blame these develoing countries really for these arthe greedey values that we English and Americans have spread with our imperilsim. Just think, we are forcing our language and culture down everyones throat and then we want to be treated well for it.

#2 Parent XYZ - 2007-05-31
(Message Deleted by Poster)
Kai Lamborn - 2007-02-14
Arabian Gulf University - ESL school review

February 14, 2007

I have finally decided to post a message concerning this employer on the Net. Last year, I was hired to work for the University in its Language Center. I was hired near the beginning of the summer and was sent a general contract. I wanted several points clarified, including transportation reimbursement and a couple of other items regarding financing. I was told that my concerns would be answered when the staff returned in late August about two weeks before I was scheduled to arrive. In the meantime, I was contacted by the Dean who also told me that Administration would answer my concerns and that he'd be in contact soon, which never happened. To make it short, administration ignored my repeated emails asking for clarification on several matters. Therefore, since they were unable or unwilling to give direct answers, I decided to decline the offer.

Kai Lamborn

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