Return to Index › Australian Education Foundation (AEF)/ Beijing Sages Unlimited
#1 Parent eponymous9 - 2017-03-05
Re Australian Education Foundation (AEF)/ Beijing Sages Unlimited

3 weeks notice is usually less than the standard 30-40 days, so when you left, technically you "screwed" them too. I got 2 work visas with them completely free. However, you are correct, the program is mostly designed for rich students and isn't what I would call legitimate education, but you'll find that in many companies in China.

#2 Parent Clarence - 2017-01-23
Re Australian Education Foundation (AEF)/ Beijing Sages Unlimited

They screwed me for 700$ when I left with "only 3" weeks notice and blackmailed to write a letter saying I accepted to get a release letter. They try and cheat you on your visa costs and always get you to come and work illegally on a tourist visa before deciding to accept you or not.

Utter clowns and cowboys. 50% of their extortionate fees goes towards bribing the school bosses. Kids in the normal high school program actually get better results.

Check previous reviews here.

eponymous9 - 2017-01-18
Australian Education Foundation (AEF)/ Beijing Sages Unlimited

I worked for the company named Australian Education Foundation (AEF) for 2 years, they were last called Beijing Sages Unlimited. I recommend this company, they were always professional and had great foreign teacher assistants. I worked in Quanzhou, then my 2nd year in Liuzhou. Both were great experiences. The company works with public high schools by providing them with foreign teachers.

They always paid on time, and only occasionally asked for busywork. I had a lot of free time working for them, probably worked 18-22 hours per week. The pay is decent, they started me off at 10,000RMB/month and bumped me up to 12,000RMB/month when I told them I had an offer for 12,000. They offered me 13,000 for a 3rd year but I declined because I wanted to try a new city.

My only grievance was that the teaching really didn't matter. In Liuzhou only about 10/110 students went on to continue learning English, so somewhat a waste of time, but the students were really smart, friendly, and willing to learn. Many study their Chinese homework during English class though.

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