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#1 Parent Choatle - 2007-12-02
Re: Tonghua English School ( Jilin ) - ESL school review

I can attest to the fact this is likely Miss Liu. My first position to come to china was with this horrid outfit.

First thing that happened, I arrived at Changchun airport, there was no one there to greet me or pick me up as I was promised.

Next, had to get an expensive hotel room the next day, she paid for neither.

I contacted these scum bags and got few apologies.

The woman is an egomaniac. She will make you come to her home every night for weeks to eat dinner and entertain her. She keeps a harem of all of her TA around her at all times. Never did I visit her home that she did not have at least 6 TA theres. They were all very attractive as well. Big deal, china's loaded with attractive girls.

This lady will put you up in a closet, I got 25 Sq meters, oooh boy. No hot water for showers, no hot water period. No heat or AC either. Very nice, very classy.

This educational pretender is the worst kind of leech recruiter. The kind who the school pays, then she pays you.

She is still using the name Tonghua for her so called school, which does not exist.

I got suckered here years ago by her, posing as a school. Only to find out she is just a recruiter who will recruiter who rents you out and keeps most of the money.

OH, and the funny thing is, while making it a requirement to come to her house every day, there was no bus, so you were paying the taxi bill. You had to do this even if you lived in another city. How nice.

Be careful of this woman. Shes a psycho with a sever control freak complex. She was some Chinese flunkies who work for her who will try and intimidate you if you get out of line, how nice.

After two weeks and no promised job, I complained, and was summarily told to say good bye to my apartment and everything. I was lucky to find something better, and rather quickly. Only had to spend 27 hours on a train to get there.

Thanks a lot Miss Liu, your a piece of crap, and anyone who works for you and you're "school" is going to be in for a nightmare. Avoid at all costs.

#2 Parent Big Stone - 2007-08-19
Re: Oh, and Jerry... - ESL school review

.If you deny students in this part of china what their counterparts in other areas benefit in foreign teaching as a result of your bitterness and outburst ;PROSTERITY IS THERE TO JUDGE YOU."

Forget the last few words of utter garbage, Jerry (and all of the other recruiters and employers in China for that matter) just look at the rest of the words in this sentence. Teachers DO NOT leave posts because they want to punish or hinder students, they do it because their contract is breached and they are cheated. They leave messages on forums to warn other teachers of their fate. We are not here to be used and abused.

So, Jerry and your counterparts, if you are so concerned about the education of children in China, treat foreign teachers as they reasonably expect to be treated. Then you would find that the teachers reciprocate in a professional and loyal manner!

#3 Parent burn unit patient - 2007-08-18
Oh, and Jerry... - ESL school review

Jerry, you write:

"Its very wrong and unfair on students if you ask foreign teachers to stay away from this city.Its also an irresponsible and wicked assumption that i work and recruit for a Miss Liu.There are so many foreign language schols in the city.If you have had a bitter experience with your own employer for whatever reason you should be sure who you are dealing with not blackmailing unreasonably .If you deny students in this part of china what their counterparts in other areas benefit in foreign teaching as a result of your bitterness and outburst ;PROSTERITY IS THERE TO JUDGE YOU."

Wow, it's so easy to upset recruiters, isn't it???

Not "blackmailing" unresaonably, you say??? First of all, USE your dictionary! How is Diana engaging in blackmail, Jerry? Employment of such words only exposes your motives, and certainly supports Diana's claims how you are not to be trusted.

I would NEVER trust anyone with such a poor and outrageous use of English language to help arrange a job for me in China. And what about your scream st the conclusion: "PROSTERITY IS THERE TO JUDGE YOU" Please explain, or otherwise your defensive rant sounds entirely laughable and ridiculous!

Folks, here's "Jerry's" ad:

- - - - -

Tonghua[jilin province] - English job offered

Posted By Jerry <>
Date 17 August 2007

Im a teacher in a foreign language school in tonghua city less than 3hr drive from changchun[capital jilin province]
I have been working for the company now for 3 yrs without any regrets.The city is great,working conditions reasonable with salary ranging from 5000-8000rmb depending on teachers experience.
20hrs maximum teaching hrs per week ,student age ranging from 6-17,round fare taken care of,with work visa and a western standard apartment well equipped with a connected system,washing machine,dvdplayers,etc.[all bills paid by the company]
The requirements goes thus,clear neutral accent,good pronouciation,good human relation,at least 1 yr teaching experience in china with evidence,proficiency in chinese language or at least some knowledge,tefl and other relevant teaching certificates,a valid passport.
If you need a job urgently and meet with the aforementioned requirements please send a detailed resume ,a copy of your national passport biodata page,a passport sized photograph, valid visa,pictures prooving teaching experience in china and relevant degrees and certificates to my e-mail [jerry_heslch@hotmail .com]asap.

- - - - - - -

Would YOU trust this guy??? I wouldn't!

Listen to Diana!

#4 Parent Big Stone - 2007-08-19
Re: I'll take Diana's word, thank you - ESL school review

Couldn't be much more clear cut really! I have just looked at the posting Diana referred to in the last sentence. Jerry "the happy teacher" is also Jerry "the unhappy recruiter".

#5 Parent burn unit patient - 2007-08-18
I'll take Diana's word, thank you - ESL school review

Hello, Jerry!

It seems you might be the VERY person Diana is warning others about in the final sentence of her post.

I COMPLETELY disagree with you regarding what is fair, or unfair to students.

At almost every school in China (except one) where I have taught, I have enjoyed a wonderful relationship with my students. However, I have also endured so much underhanded and unethical behavior, greediness, apathy, etc, from employers. Foreigner teachers should not accept these conditions and bad treatment from employers just for the sake of the students. Students (and their parents) are customers, and they need to rise up and fight on behalf of their interests and those of their teachers. Otherwise, they cannot expect the teachers to stay and teach/help them.

If Diana is wrong in her claims regarding lack of proper licensing of schools in the area, then state (legitimately) otherwise; but until now, you havent done so.

Bad treatment from employers and lack of legal licensing is good enough and fair enough information to warn foreigners to stay away from Tonghua.

If you are indeed the "Jerry" she is warning us about, clearly your ONLY motive is your own financial benefit. Recrutiters in China will say and do almost anything to lure unsuspecting and trusting foreigners into terrible and unethical and unprofessional situations in order to make money for themselves.

This has nothing to do with the rights of students. If you feel so strongly about students in Jilin should have then work harder to correct the problems that TEACHERS face there. Then we can return to the business teaching and helping students.

#6 Parent Jerry - 2007-08-18
Re: Tonghua English School ( Jilin ) - ESL school review

Its very wrong and unfair on students if you ask foreign teachers to stay away from this city.Its also an irresponsible and wicked assumption that i work and recruit for a Miss Liu.There are so many foreign language schols in the city.If you have had a bitter experience with your own employer for whatever reason you should be sure who you are dealing with not blackmailing unreasonably .If you deny students in this part of china what their counterparts in other areas benefit in foreign teaching as a result of your bitterness and outburst ;PROSTERITY IS THERE TO JUDGE YOU.

Diana - 2007-08-17
Tonghua English School ( Jilin ) - ESL school review

Stay away from any school from Tonghua ! ( Jilin province )
No school from this town has the licence to employ foreigners. ( public or private schools )
Ms. Liu, the owner of Tonghua Royal English School, is trying to find teachers for her own school and the others. The living conditions are bad: very cheap flats with broken furniture, TV-set, no phone or washing machine...). A foreign teacher had even mice in his apartment.
You won`t get 5000-8000RMB/month and your airfare. Actually, I can`t remember someone working there until the end of the contract. Foreigners are leaving the place over night after one or two months, usually.
Ms. Liu has just posted an ad on under the name, JERRY ( a happy foreign teacher )

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