Return to Index › Jeju International English Village - ESL school review
#1 Parent Big Stone - 2007-08-21
Re: Very interesting... - ESL school review

Now, now B.U.P.

Can't be that bad at this school. At most places, you have to take a bus, take a taxi or get a lift when you want to go to some place. Here you get a drive!

"We also got a drive when we needed to get groceries, go to the beach, etc"

#2 Parent burn unit patient - 2007-08-20
Very interesting... - ESL school review


Show me a GROUP of satisfied foreign teachers who collectively write such "happy" statements as "We received shared accommodation and three square meals a day" and I'll show you a group of Korean recruiters.

Foreign Teachers at JIEV - 2007-08-20
Jeju International English Village - ESL school review

The following are some highlights from our experiences at Jeju International English
Village (JIEV):
-Management (particularly Samuel Lim and Happy Song) at JIEV strove to create a positive learning experience for students (stressing leadership as well as English skills). We also got a drive when we needed to get groceries, go to the beach, etc.
-Korean teachers were really caring and supportive, both for kids and foreign teachers as well. Interaction was great between the foreign teachers and Korean teachers..
-Students performed team presentations in front of one another and they really got into it. The team presentations were designed by us, the foreign teachers.
-We received shared accommodation and three square meals a day.
-There were international students brought in to broaden the experience. These students were pleasant and the student teachers were often a big help in class.
-We worked Monday to Saturday every week. Typically, one day (usually Saturday) was reserved for excursions or field trips. Sunday (and sometimes Saturday) was a free day for us.
-Jeju Island is a nice place for day trips on your free time. It is the Hawaii of Korea.
-We were paid in full for our services.
-The environment is very picturesque. The Jeju countryside is full of hills and lush greenery.

Happy Song and Sam took into account suggestions for improvement by teachers, and if this atmosphere continues, it will be an even better place to work. We recommend this place to work.

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