Return to Index › Koreapolyschool Joseph Kim
#1 Parent Barry - 2008-01-14
Re: Koreapolyschool Joseph Kim

No one in their right mind would accept 10 classes a day... this can't be right.

#2 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-09
Re: Koreapolyschool Joseph Kim

If you are experienced, which I doubt, for you have to actually ask this question, then you would know that, hell yeah, 10 classes a day is not just excessive, but a joke. This school is going to take advantage of you, use you up, and spit you out like tobacco juice.

10 classes a day is crazy, thats 50 a week. You need to find another job ASAP. If your as experienced and qualified as you say you are, then what your suffering from is simply ignorance of the Korean job market in general. Keep looking, there are "far" better jobs out there, with a lot less work involved to boot.

Sandra Carter - 2008-01-08
Koreapolyschool Joseph Kim

I am waiting for my immigration paperwork to be completed so I can teach in Changwon beginning in late Feb. I know I will teach 10 40 min. classes per day? Does that sound excessive? Should I anticipate problems?
I am an older experienced female teacher from the US.
Any comments?

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