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#1 Parent Mandy - 2008-02-18
Re: Hello Mic.

i am sorry, my mean is legality visa

#2 Parent Gingermeggs - 2008-02-14
Re: Hello Mic.

this is my job to make sure the teachers i have been recruitment, when they work in China, they have a illegal visa,

Definitely a sign of a good recruiter when they make sure you have an illegal visa!

#3 Parent Sammi - 2008-01-17
Re: Hello Mic.

The truth is : no one believes you,Lynn or Mandy or whatever your name is.

#4 Parent lynn - 2008-01-17
Re: Hello Mic.

doesnt matter to me,, no matter what you say,, no one belive u,, stupid guy

#5 Parent Sammi - 2008-01-16
Re: No jobs for you ---a bad person!

I'm amused, haha, who are you to say that no jobs for bad person? and who is the bed person here?
"Also,a crazy person like you, I will never get a job for you. I will be responsible for Chinese schools!!! " ----- Wow, protecter of the Chinese schools? haha

#6 Parent Hubub - 2008-01-16
Re: Hello Mic.

What a pack of lies, but I guess a recruiter will say anyhting to sound good.

Mandy doesn't care one bit about rhe visa or anything else. What she does care about is getting paid.

All this talk about caring, what a load. Notice how she has suddenly went from wailing mad woman, like in her prior posts, to calm cool and collected. She finally figured out she was making herself look worse, not better. Now it's real damage control time.

She figures if she comes on here, coos to use, acts real calm, and tells us what she thinks we want to hear, that we will buy it. Thats of course because it's in part true. I mean hey, people are still using this woman and her underhanded partner ice cream lynn after all.

Don't be fooled by Mandy, she and every other recruiter out there will say whatever they have to to get you to work with them. Just look at her prior crazy woman posts, thats the real Mandy the recruiter, take my word for it. She thinks were all morons obviously.

#7 Parent Mandy - 2008-01-16
Re: Hello Mic.

Hi Robert,, thanks for your message, as a agency, this is my job to make sure the teachers i have been recruitment, when they work in China, they have a illegal visa, also its my job to make sure school will pay on time, and not cheat teachers, there are lots school here in China are not very honesty, thats why, most of schools i have been contact with are public schools, cause i know, if there anything wrong, i know where to complain, so..if a school offer a F visa, and they dont want offer a work visa, its only because they dont have the licence to hire foreigners, i think i am very care about visa, maybe because i was a foreigner students over in American, and that was the time, i learned,a right visa is very importan for a foreigner to live and work at oversea.

#8 Parent Robert A. Kerr - 2008-01-15
Re: Hello Mic.

Lynn, I believe (by sifting his sentences) that he is aware that if the PSB or FAO follow up on a school to find out that they are hiring teachers illegally, that there will be dire consequences.

I have come to understand many organizations hire foreigners by means of an "F" visa, and they fully understand that it is illegal.

I would like to address an issue with a neutral standpoint on this whole foreigners versus recruitment agencies.

I have met some good recruitment agencies (few as they may be, there are some). I believe Lynn if you are trying to help organizations hire foreigners illegally through means of a business visa, then you are adding to the problem. Laws are made for a reason, and following these simple laws and rules will add to the development of China.

I know that I would do my best, to make sure a person leaves my country with a great impression (Canada, by the way if you are wondering). IF you are trying to deceive people from other countries, you will be seriously impacting the way your country is viewed in the eyes of the world.


Robert A. Kerr

#9 Parent Lynn - 2008-01-15
Hello Mic.

Yes, you are 100% right, teachers can work in here with a F visa, even a L visa, but some day you will know, to be work on a F visa,if PSB or FAO are not checking on the school, everything will be cool, but how about they check on the school, what will be happend? one of mine friend, get send back to canada because of that.

#10 Parent Mic - 2008-01-13
Re: Avoid Icecream Lynn and Sunny Education like the Plague they are.

I have never met either of you. But I am reading this from an outside perspective.

First, you claim it is impossible to work in China without a Z visa, this is false. It is possible, just not 100% legal, but possible! For example, I could be on an F visa and work two part time jobs. These part-time employers are not required to provide me with Z visas and so on.

Second you claim the teacher wants a fake certification? I'm sorry but I doubt there is any ESL teacher in the world that would ask a Chinese person to help them get a fake certification. You would probably be the last person this person would ask that to. Really all they need to do is check the "junk" mail folder in their email and they could find the people they needed to do that process.

Third, without a Z visa, this person would not need a reference letter or a release letter because working on an F visa is not legal in the first place. So they don't need those letters unless they were employed on a Z visa.

Fourth, please, just go away, get a normal job like other Chinese people. We don't want any recruiters. We prefer to go directly between teacher and school. We don't need and we don't want recruiters.

#11 Parent Choatle - 2008-01-10
Re: Who is a liar???!!!!

Wow Lynn, we spoke 2 years ago but likely you don't remember me, you deal with a lot of suckers I guess.

Folks people who record IM conversations are suspect I think.

These IM conversations do nothing to clear the famous duo of recruiting, in fact they only make them look much much worse.

For one thing there is no way to validate them, so in truth they could easily be changed. Secondly, it is rather a malicious seeming act, and points more toward the words of the person who complained being true.

I know for a fact these folks use and hire teachers, a large portion without a degree and without the proper visa. The old saying I think thou doth protest too much sure applies. The more guilty you are, the more your gonna protest.

These folks have a bad reputation already, that comes from many complaints and grievances about them. In turn, people are not likely to believe you.

The whole fake degree scam is just simple greed, and these two are about as greedy as they come. In the end working with a recruiter is a last ditch effort for the desperate, but I say, if your educated, nd know where to look, you don't ever need to be that desperate.

Lynn, you and your friend are not welcome here. You've baboozled lied to far too many teachers. You see all of the folks who have come out to speak against you, and if you look close, you'll see they are people who have posted here in the past, not first time posters like you. That means they actually are different people, not the same one as you seem to think.

I feel sorry for this fellow, because I know what he's been through. Don't deal with these two, ever. They will make threats, promises they can't keep, and in the end endeavor to make your life hell. Complaints are just part of the job, every recruiter know this. These two must be doing badly in the business area to feel a need to attack Hubub with this kind of venom and ferocity. I say good, if they had conducted themselves honestly and like professionals in the first place, they would not be in that position. I say good riddance, recruiters are unneeded if you just educate yourself some on finding work here.

#12 Parent Lynn - 2008-01-09
Who is a liar???!!!!

He has asked me to get a job for him long time ago, but I refused. Nowadays,he sent me his "new"resume and fake degree to me, and asked for a job.
He works without a working visa, if any schools hire him, he will cause a big problem, he is a not easy going person,there is another important thing, this person is mentally ill,talking nonsense all the time and likes to calumniate people. Once his requirements can't be satisfied, he will write vilification about you, or do everything to ruin your reputation.
Here is part of the conversation between me and him: (after a good school refused his applicaition.)
Lynn Icecream (2008-1-7 9:58:51): the director told me that he won't give you that job
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 9:58:59): Why?
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 9:59:02): did you read my email?
Lynn Icecream (2008-1-7 9:59:12): because he thinks you are not easy going person.
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 9:59:18): HOw easy going does he expect smeone in my situation to be, LOL
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 9:59:32): LOL, why doewsnt he talk to me before he makes that decision
Lynn Icecream (2008-1-7 9:59:36): I don't know, but he said so.
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 9:59:45): Sounds like an idiot
Lynn Icecream (2008-1-7 10:00:00): he asked me to tell you that.
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:00:09): To tell me what?
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:00:15): LIke I give a shite
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:00:52): Look, hes a bad headmaster, I know damn well the reason he did not want to give me those teachers contact information is because they make more money or less money then he was going to pay me, and he didnt want them or me to find that out
Lynn Icecream (2008-1-7 10:01:01): he said everytime his teachers called you, he was listening to the conversation,and you were yelling to his teachers, very rude...
Lynn Icecream (2008-1-7 10:01:11): and he felt that you are not the right person for the school and students.
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:01:31): LOL, well thats dishonest, I would spead differently to a school headmaster then I would to a teacher.
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:01:35): speak
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:02:12): Just as I would speak differently to a friend then I would an enemy, what exactly does that poove, and what is he doing listening in on other peoples conversations?
DUVANE ASHANDAR (2008-1-7 10:02:17): Who the fuck does he think he is?

Folks,Now you see what kind of personality he has~~~~~~~!!
If this man is a good person, why can't he provide even one referrence letter from his last schools? why can't he get a right visa to work? Everyone knows foreign teachers can't use "F" visa to work!!!It's illegal.

#13 Parent lynn - 2008-01-09
Check the conversation record~~~

Kenjutsu Kensei and ASHANDAR DUVANE is the same person.
Want to know more about this bad person, you could find the conversations between me and him, also Mandy and him.

#14 Parent Lynn - 2008-01-09
Re: Avoid Icecream Lynn and Sunny Education like the Plague they are.

You should fell shame about yourself, Brain.what kind of person you are, have you ever been to a school? Don't tell people that you are American, you are making a shame to your country. You are the biggest liar and cheater. Also a selfish and crazy person.
There is no need to fight here,you were trying to making people to believe what you wrote, they are not as foolish as you. Everyone knows that you can't work in China without a "Z" visa, how can you lost your last job? why don't you tell people how badly you treated your students? Why there's no schools in Wuhan wants to give you a job?? Because your disgusting personality and extremely bad temper makes no schools offer you a job. Why can't you offer any referrence letter from your last schools.Becuase you didn't use the proper visa working for them and made them regret giving you a job.
No referrence letter, no release letter, you got nothing from your last schools, only this one thing, can prove that you are not a responsible teacher, and not welcome to any schools.
You are doing all these to me or Mandy,just because we don't agree to make you a fake degree,right? Now, I am telling you this again, I can 't get you a fake degree. Also,a crazy person like you, I will never get a job for you. I will be responsible for Chinese schools!!!

#15 Parent lynn - 2008-01-09
No jobs for you ---a bad person!

You should fell shame about yourself, Brain.what kind of person you are, have you ever been to a school? Don't tell people that you are American, you are making a shame to your country. You are the biggest liar and cheater. Also a selfish and crazy person.
There is no need to fight here,you were trying to making people to believe what you wrote, they are not as foolish as you. Everyone knows that you can't work in China without a "Z" visa, how can you lost your last job? why don't you tell people how badly you treated your students? Why there's no schools in Wuhan wants to give you a job?? Because your disgusting personality and extremely bad temper makes no schools offer you a job. Why can't you offer any referrence letter from your last schools.Becuase you didn't use the proper visa working for them and made them regret giving you a job.
No referrence letter, no release letter, you got nothing from your last schools, only this one thing, can prove that you are not a responsible teacher, and not welcome to any schools.
You are doing all these to me or Mandy,just because we don't agree to make you a fake degree,right? Now, I am telling you this again, I can 't get you a fake degree. Also,a crazy person like you, I will never get a job for you. I will be responsible for Chinese schools!!!

Hubub - 2008-01-09
Avoid Icecream Lynn and Sunny Education like the Plague they are.

Beware icecream Lynn, a recruiter of dubious personality to say the least.

This person will lie, cheat deceive, offer to make fake degrees for you, and basically, treat you terribly as well.

Thats not the worst of it though. This woman, who seems to have a real need to be in a position of authority over others, believe she can treat teachers who come to her for a job however she likes. I suppose low self esteem has something to do with it, the old put other down to feel better about myself deal.

If only her personal comments and put downs were the worst of it there would be no problem. However this recruiter uses your trust to gather personal information against you, and then, if you object to her treatment of you, she will turn around and use that information against you, becoming even more personal. In my case it was threatening to cal the PSB on me. For what I don't know. However, she is rather unstable, and I believe mentally Ill.

What I don't get is why someone would shoot themselves in the foot like this. Your a recruiter conducting illegal activities, and then you will threaten others with legal action of some type because they no longer wish to work with you. Thats basically the skinny, upon objecting to her poor treatment of me, and letting her know I was no longer interested, things got worse, and the threats began. I suppose this person can't handle rejection either.

Whatever the case, don't work with this person unless you like being put down, threatened, and being told by them they will cal the local FAO about you if you complain to anyone, or on any websites about these threats.

I am expecting some type of retaliation from these folks, but I felt an obligation to warn others on here about this person, who is clearly mentally unbalanced. Why would you do such things that would threaten your very business if you weren't?

Avoid at all costs and school advertised by sunny education, esl sunny, or ice cream lynn, they are all one and the same.

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