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Eddie - 2013-05-20

This small school is located in the mountain town of Chachapoyas. It is a small town of 20-23000 people. Very isolated. People are very nice.

The school is run by an american woman and her peruvian boyfriend. The american woman, Melissa, pretty much runs the place.

The school was started when both teachers broke away from the other school in town and started their own place. They underpriced the cost of their lessons by 1/2 the price of the other school.

They have been recruiting instructors over the past 6-8 months on multiple websites. They use teacherkick, craigslist, and a few others.

They are very deceptive in what they offer. The position is a "volunteer" position where by they don't offer an hourly or monthly wage. They do offer a room with shared bath, pension at a local restaurant, and a cell phone.

The room will be a room on the 4th floor of an apartment building located next to a school. You can expect noise starting a 7am and lasting throughout the day from the school. You can then expect your neighbors to be playing loud music at all hours. The building is also located in the center of the town so expect loud party music throughout the night on the weekends. Sometimes on the weekend you will get smoked out by the owner burning trash in the courtyard. The shared bath is located down the hall outside the building. Saturday mornings you will be awakened by people washing their clothes at the community laundromat next to the shared bathroom. It is cold at night and the room that you have will be exposed to the wind. Good thing Melissa gives you 2 blankets to keep better bring a good sleeping bag if you want to get some sleep or heavy pajamas.

Good thing you have your cellphone with 20 soles of time. You won't need it. The money would be better spent getting the wifi from the landlord of the apartment building. Don't worry, when the wifi gets cut off, and it will, it won't be your money.

The pension is great if you enjoy eating rice, bread, and potatoes three times a day. Beware of the places in town that have rats in the kitchens. You can choose between 1-3 places for your pension. Once you have selected a place, you are there for the entire month. It is local cuisine. Get used to eating yesterdays left overs. The pension is 100 dollars a month. You can ask Melissa for the money to buy your own food but they will argue over the fact that you don't want the pension. You will go through 100 dollars within 2 weeks. Expect to pay for your own food. You will have a water boiler in the room and that is it. No access to a kitchen. The local market has a good selection of fruits.

The school is average. You will be teaching from 430pm to 9pm Monday through Friday. You can expect to eat late every night. In the pension you will get whatever is leftover for the day. Good Luck.

The students vary. Some are motivated and well behaved and some run wild. You cannot discipline the children. They will do what they want. The most efective way is to send them out of the class and to Melissa.

Be very careful with Melissa the owner. She is a very deceptive person. They are interested in making money. They don't seem to care about the students or if they are learning. It appears to be a scam.

You can expect to pay for your airline ticket to get there and the bus ride from Lima. It is a 20 hour bus ride.

Very limited things to do in your free time.

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San Francisco Institute Chachapoyas Peru -- Eddie -- 2013-05-20
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