View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said!
jiaoshi - 2014-04-10
In response to Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! (Pee'd off and bored)

Pee'd off and bored -- The only reason I'm writing this response is because your post was so biased. You live with the current DOS, of course you will support him. I have a problem with others that post that are obviously disgruntled employees, but you should have been upfront with your relationship status.

The current DOS has pretended to spit in someone's food, continually made fun of teachers, sucked up to the Chinese management (for his personal gain, and current position), and is an all around bully. He talked a good talk, but was not a team player and put his personal interests above everyone and everything. Ten years of management? A security guard is not management. The current DOS left the UK to escape bill collectors and child support payments.

Salary paid on time? I understand from the few remaining foreign teachers that the current DOS has said several times in the last two weeks that "the lights will be turned off at the school" shortly. If you're one of the few foreign teachers considering coming here, take that into consideration -- you may not have a job in a month.

Stalking? The "member of staff" doing the "stalking" of another member of the staff is still employed there. I'm not sure how the current DOS helped with that issue, and am concerned why more was not done. This is a huge safety issue.

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Nelson -- 2014-04-04
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- Pee'd off and bored -- 2014-04-05
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- Greg -- 2014-04-10
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- jiaoshi -- 2014-04-10
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- Pee'd off and bored -- 2014-04-14
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- deech them something -- 2014-04-15
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- Craig -- 2014-04-13
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- LL Crew -- 2014-04-08
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- Greg -- 2014-04-10
Re Low-life foreign deechers at EF Hohot - well said! -- Nelson -- 2014-04-05
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