Happy Worker - 2015-02-05

I've been at EF Baotou for 2 years and I'm on my 3rd year contract along with 2 other teachers. We have 6 teachers, so to half 3 on a 3rd year contract says a lot I think.

I like the city, it's clean and you rarely have the smog filled sky, having nice blue sky most of the year around is great. There are some down sides to the city, such as when it is cold in winter and there isn't much to do, but in spring, summer and autumn you can go around exploring. I have a petrol scooter which I drive about on...we really shouldn't be driving them without a license, but the polce don't enforce this law. I'm not saying this city is like the wild west though, because I can honestly say I haven't felt safer walking around alone during the day or at night, than I do in Baotou.

We often think there is nothing to do in this city...but that is mainly our own fault for not asking Chinese colleagues or friends what we can do in Baotou. The level of English in the city is very low, so you can't just rely on instinct to find things to do, you're betetr asking friends and colleagues and they'll find you plenty of things to do!

The people in the city are fairly friendly, I prefer the school being at the Wanda Plaza than where it used to be back prior to 2013 in the Baobai area where people would gawp at you walking to work, now with the school being in one of the best parts of the cities, the people are better off in their lifestyle and they are used to seeing foreigners, unlike those near the Baobai area! I no longer feel like an escaped animal from the zoo!

The school moved to the Wanda Plaza in October 2013, so the school is still fairly new, it looks great...the old school was run down and just disgusting looking, it's now a vibrant school an a much better place to work. During the past 2 and a bit years I have been here there has also been an increase to teachers wages, but the cost of living hasn't increased, so we are all even better off than before.

We have a great team at the school, as I said we have been retaining teachers well recently, but we have also been retaining the progress advisers, too. This is making things much better as before it used to be like a revolving door with Chinese staff, so we now have a good core team which is pleasing to have!

Overall I don't really have man bad things to say about the city, I have enjoyed my time here and I'm looking forward to continuing my time in the city...if I could wish for one thing it would be for a better level of English ability around the city...but then again that has also helped me to improve my Chinese ability in the time I have been here!

Messages In This Thread
EF Baotou -- Happy Worker -- 2015-02-05
Re EF Baotou -- looking 4 esl -- 2015-02-09
Re EF Baotou -- martin hainan -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-05
Re EF Baotou -- Happy Worker -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Public Sector Oral Teacher -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- Jamesnchina -- 2015-02-08
Re EF Baotou -- Beth -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- San Migs -- 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Arian -- 2015-02-09
Re: Re EF Baotou -- James Milken -- 2015-02-10
Re: Re EF Baotou -- Gina Hancock -- 2015-02-09
Re EF Baotou -- Ted -- 2015-02-06
Re EF Baotou -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Spector -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Robert -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Public Sector Oral Teacher -- 2015-02-07
Re EF Baotou -- Qingshan -- 2015-02-05

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