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Raymond - 2015-06-17
In response to St. John's English School - Zhoushan (Chris)

Thanks Chris for revealing this awful truth! I hope people will read this so this cschool can close down. Indeed, this could be the worse school to work for in china. I came here with my friend and our lives became a nightmare. Thankfull we were able to leave the school after two months, leaving him with 2 teachers less and with the hope that his school will close down. Here are some more details to add to the bucket list:

- Jake would demand from us to shout very loud to the students, to the point that they got scared sometimes. If we didnt, he would come to the class and confront us in front of everyone, yelling like a maniac. His excuse was that the parents want to hear the children shout loud. What parent wants their kids to by screamed at in their face?
- He would always undermine you, compare you to other teachers. He even embarassed my friend in front of all his students, asking them who was the better teacher, him or the previous one.
- We had to live with Jake and his dad, who walked around with his underwear only! There was no privacy. He would come home after 1am and knock on the door to tell us we had a demo class early in the morning. He aslo demanded to call him to say where we are ifter 11pm.
- One of the female teachers was forced to do adult classes with a group of men in their 30s . . . in THEIR office. she expressed her concerns to jake. She felt vulnerable, and for the right reasons. She could have been raped. The boss did not care however. Should I mention that he's a sexist?

There are so many more horrible examples to give, but I'll let some other ex-teachers to express their stories!

To all recruiters out there, if you recruit teachers for St.Johns English School, I hope you can live with the guilt of ruining someones life and time!

P.S: I don't know how this person could have so many native speakers as teachers when there are schools in Beijing that struggle to find one!

Messages In This Thread
St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Chris -- 2015-06-16
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Pete Australia -- 2015-07-15
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Zack -- 2015-07-08
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Bill from England -- 2015-07-09
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- San Migs -- 2015-07-10
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Michael -- 2015-06-18
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Kevin -- 2015-06-19
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Paul -- 2015-06-18
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Nat -- 2015-06-18
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Ross -- 2015-06-17
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Raymond -- 2015-06-17
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Chris -- 2015-06-18
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Raymond -- 2015-06-19
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Extc -- 2015-06-19
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Julie Schultz -- 2015-06-22
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- EXTC -- 2015-06-22
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- On Lydia's Behalf -- 2015-06-19
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Extc -- 2015-06-17
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Grace -- 2016-12-09
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Slan -- 2018-03-29
Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Perfect Chinglish -- 2018-03-29
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Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Perfect Chinglish -- 2018-03-29
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Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- FTinPRC -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Observer -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Tanya -- 2018-03-29
Re: Re St. John's English School - Zhoushan -- Observer -- 2018-03-29
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