View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › SCAM WARNING: EASYTALK aka ETI in Nanning BRUTAL CHEATERS!
ScammedByEasyTalk - 2015-10-13

"Easy Talk English" or "ETI Education" has two training centers in Nanning and gxete dot com will tell you more.

A Lesson: I usually have a great 'gut sense' I'm going to get scammed but this was an case where it failed me. So don't assume you can tell. EasyTalk seems very mellow, polite, super friendly. In fact, I chose them and their low wages INSTEAD of a school that looked shady IMO. shows what I know!

Scam is so stupid but like most Chinese training center crooks they will look you right in the face like nothing is wrong and just repeat what they did like its an explanation. Foreigners will not believe this but I assure you this actually happened:

Standard contract for 7000 a month. (typical 4 or 5 days, perhaps 3 or 4 hours/classes in any given day). First I learn that its actually 6500 for the first month. OKay you got me. Its in the contract.

Work a month. Wait the usualy 2 weeks and low and behold here is a little salary of 4500!? What the hell?

Brace yourself because this was their excuse: The month is 30 days. So 6500 Divided 30 = 217 rmb a day. Since I had 8 days off work (as in the 2 days each week) + 4 days was national holidays so .. so yes they minuses those days at 218 a day.

I'm not joking. They did that! Then kept repeating thats what they did 'as if' obviously there was no problem. because only work 20 days in month not 30 so hence... deducted 2000+.

Gets worse. When informed that they did NOT get to do that and that obviously I wont be working for them they needed to pay the October owing. (keep in mind the payday for previous month isn't until 10th).

Nope! They again (as if straight-faced in the right) just informed me that they will keep my October pay. It is 'punishment' for not continuing to work for them.

I know what you're thinking.. there is no way this is the story. There must be more. nope, incredibly I did an awesome job and was very successful in bringing in new students. (they kept the 'bonuses' for that too).

They are still just blatantly giving the 'F*ck you' and talking as if obviously this is normal and the end of the story. Amazing. How China avoids collapse I have no idea but the important thing is:

Foreign Teachers BEWARE and quite frankly DO NOT take a job at Easy Talk English in Nanning, Guangxi because they are just blatantly going to cheat you and then hold your current earnings as a kind of 'extortion' or threat to keep as well if you leave. Incredible!

*please reply to this if you have any questions. I have 100% total documentation of this and there is no extra story nor did I do something to them or any 'catch'. They really did just blatantly do this.

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SCAM WARNING: EASYTALK aka ETI in Nanning BRUTAL CHEATERS! -- ScammedByEasyTalk -- 2015-10-13
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