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#1 Parent whagood6 - 2015-12-06
Re An important question that I need help to answer

Thanks for your reply. I am going to be using the Chinese Consulate in Houston, Texas, and according to the staff members that work there, that I spoke to on the phone five days ago, I can mail scanned copies of both the invitation letter and the work permit, along with the other necessary documents to them using Federal Express and later I can receive the Z visa in my passport. That is what I was told when I called five days ago, and that seems to be their current policy. I was told on the phone by the Chinese Consulate staff member in Houston that I spoke to that they are the only consulate in the United States that accepts scanned copies of both documents. That is what I was told. If anyone on here has any different information about the Z visa process at the Chinese Consulate in Houston, please do not hesitate to respond to this post.

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