Return to Index › TLC International School (Hangzhou)
#1 Parent Le-Anne Goliath - 2016-01-27
Re TLC International School (Hangzhou)


I've been offered a job at the same school
How was your experience there?

Jebowski - 2014-07-16
TLC International School (Hangzhou)

Hi all,

Has anyone heard anything on TLC International School, Hangzhou?

So far, I've found the school president to be very professional and the contract lacking the "flags" compared to the other schools I've been in contact with. There's an address for the school, seen photos, spoken with a current teacher, didn't go through a recruiter... they've also been less pushy for me to sign on than the others (several which were through recruiters). I need to get in touch with a previous teacher, too.

I've been trying to find some reviews on them... nothing so far. Apparently, they've been in business since the early 2000s. If you've got specific insight, let me know. Thanks! 8)

(please keep it civil and on-topic)

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