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MRs. DEE - 2016-06-19

let me add something about this school:

i have long since left the school but i still get in touch with people who used to be in this school who recounts me more terrible tales about NAHEYA

1. Headmaster only cares about making the school pretty but doesn't give incentives for teachers' hardwork/ overtime.

2. He knocks on teachers' apartments on after school hours and does God knows what...

3. new hired employees' rates are getting lower and lower.. tell me where's the logic in this when all these teachers do the same thing, if not are even demanded to work more than the older ones. ( hours / tasks ) IN SHORT..THEY EXPLOIT THEIR EMPLOYEES.

4. we were already given teaching plans for a week or a month and suddenly they interrupt us to not do the lessons but practice something else for a video shoot to "show off" how learned this students are in English. AND..they blame you if the students didn't do well in their exams. ( well, if you didn't interrupt our lessons in the ist place???)

5. their system is CORRUPT!

6. they Lie, hires teachers but only to be living with students in the dormitories! thus, many came and just left, wasted all their money (plane tickets, etc)

7. poor living conditions, they just give you a 150 square foot room that gets extremely freezing in the winter time, and it takes weeks or months before somebody attends to any of your complaints/ or waits until you report to the PSB to hear your concerns.

8. asks you to be a leader without additional monetary compensation! ...declined, not even raise teachers' salary! WTF? ALL establishments are expected to give raises to ones employees annually. NO THANKS!

SO, its up to YOU if you want to be trapped in this sinkhole called NAHEYA

Messages In This Thread
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- Stephanie -- 2016-12-07
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- Anonimous -- 2016-06-24
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- Odd Bob Job -- 2016-06-24
Re AVOID NAHEYA BILINGUAL SCHOOL IN Hohhot -- Anonimous -- 2016-06-24
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