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Steven - 2016-07-04

The Joy school in Daqing are owned by a man no longer in the area because of police disputes. He goes by the name of Jason and have only seen him once at a retreat. He's still the owner but let's his underlings run the schools in three districts of the city. I was able to finish my hellish 6 month contract and got out quick. Chinese teachers quit and are replaced often. The working atmosphere is poison.They're really good with fake niceties. "Oh don't go please stay" "Oh that was a misunderstanding" "she was a bad teacher that's why she left" they treat teachers like trash in all honesty. There were rumors of a former teachers mysterious death. I was able to corroborate a few things. The Canadian national in question was unstable and tried to commit suicide and spent some time in the hospital. After his time in the hospital he died on a train from Daqing to Harbin the capital of the Provence. He was on his way to the airport but never made it off the train! What's interesting is its only a two hour train ride or so. Also he was being supervised! He left the hospital just fine. Alarm bells! When I signed my contract with the school the insurance clause was specifically covered for death on a train. Stay the fuck away from this school! A dishonest Chinese woman with the name of Ruby is in charge of foreign teachers. She has probably changed her English name since but who knows. Godbless

Messages In This Thread
Daqing Joy school -- Steven -- 2016-07-04
Re Daqing Joy school -- The foreigner -- 2017-01-26
Re Daqing Joy school -- Anonymous -- 2016-07-12
Re Daqing Joy school -- Mrs.Fischer -- 2016-07-11
Re Daqing Joy school -- Alex -- 2016-07-09
Re Daqing Joy school -- From Daqing -- 2016-07-08
Re Daqing Joy school -- A.M. -- 2017-02-09
Re Daqing Joy school -- Debbie Bailey -- 2017-02-08
Re Daqing Joy school -- Trump diplomacy -- 2017-02-08
Re Daqing Joy school -- From Daqing -- 2016-07-06
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