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Samantha - 2016-08-03

I would never recommend anyone to work at or trust this training centre. I worked with them for 10 months and completed my contract, but at the end of the contract, despite having followed all of their conditions, they failed to pay me what I was owed.

The contract stated, and Frances the owner confirmed to me on several occasions, that on completion of the contract I would receive a bonus that would contribute to the cost of the flights. However two days before I completed the contract they announced that I would not be receiving the bonus because I had been sick for 6 days during the course of the 10 months. The contract doesn't say anything about sick leave being counted as personal leave, and basically they just decided because I was leaving China and not signing a new contract, they didn't want to bother paying the bonus.

I initially believed Frances to be a trustworthy individual and despite lots of warnings from teachers within the Foshan community not to trust her, I did so. This was a monumental error on my part. Money is their only priority and they will always put this before the welfare of their teachers. I even had a meeting with Frances specifically to discuss the terms of the contract as I found them to be rather confusing. I believed her reassurances and as I had received nothing but praise of my teaching and performance from everyone in the company felt I had no reason to doubt them or change company. I will always regret this. They manipulated the contract to suit themselves and she even told me that what it says in Chinese is a little different to what it says in English...... Meaning it was planned all along like that to exploit teachers and withhold the money that they initially promise you.

As far as I can see it was always their intention to exploit my trust. They lied to me during meetings and waited until it was too late for me to argue my case by only telling me 2 days before I left that they wouldn't be paying me the money that I was owed.

Overall I would say the company is out to scam teachers. I only wish I had listened to my friends advice when I first arrived and changed companies when I had the chance. Foshan itself has a great community of expats and lots of excellent schools and companies that offer visas and really care about their teachers. All I can say is that Wiseboro, Grade A, and IES which are all run by Frances are not like this and should undoubtedly be avoided at all costs.

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