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San Migs - 2016-08-26

A good post, but I don't think any of your points will ever happen, they are great ideas, and would attract foreigners to China, but they lack leaders with vision who want to join the modern world. It's one reason I would never fly on a chinese or korean managed/run airline. They don't have the same standards of western teamwork, and don't follow CRM, the older pilot/captain says, and the younger ones nod like dogs and follow, even if it is dangerous/unsafe. In those ancient primitive hierarchical structured societies, which should have no place in the modern world, let alone in an airplane cockpit, it's one reason racist countries like China and South Korea will never join the rest of the civilized, modern world.

Points 1 and 3 will never happen. The average chinese loves pledging allegiance to the party, and criticizing western countries for having democracy, and saying it will never work in China, because "China is different". Well it seems to have worked in Taiwan, 21st economy in the world, female president, best healthcare in Asia, and a kind of silicon valley of Asia, and the people are mostly, shock horror, of Chinese descent! Also the average chinese enjoys being a gossip and a racist, perhaps because after marriage there life (esp. as a woman) is one of interminable boredom. China has the highest female suicide rate in the world, in case anyone is in any doubt. In a society that has adverts for washing powder, that show African men as dirty, and light yellow skinned Chinese men as clean and proper, if the media/advertising promotes racism, you can bet every nong min under the chinese sun will complain about foreigners, despite never having met one.


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Re: ‘Echo English’, located in Binjiang, Hangzhou -- San Migs -- 2016-08-26
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