Return to Index › Re: SCIE Shenzhen College of International Education
#1 Parent San Migs - 2016-09-03
Re: SCIE Shenzhen College of International Education

You worked at wall street english, can we trust you?

Perhaps you should put your Bsc and science background to good use in China with your students, or back in Wales where you owe it to yourself to educate your own young people before the Chinese, rather than defend these faux international schools, or training centres, and a faux international school is a glorified TC.

#2 Parent Roger Underhill - 2016-09-03
Re: SCIE Shenzhen College of International Education

I currently work at this school as a teacher. It is recognised as one of the best if not the best school in China. It is academically outstanding, organises high quality activities for students and staff, is involved in international activities, and is very well organised indeed. In 2015 15 students went to Oxbridge Universities and it's a similar number this year. This is why school entry is vastly over scribed and can afford to be highly selective, choosing only the best and most highly motivated students. Their parents take a very strong interest in their progress and so teaching here is the best experience you'll have anywhere. The current leadership team is forward looking, honourable and fair and continues to drive this CIE accredited school to even higher levels. I'm extremely impressed by the colleagues I work with and the students I teach and have no hesitation in recommending this school to any teacher, parent or student anywhere.

This particular thread has just been filled with naysayers setting out to discredit. Don't believe them. There is no factual substance. Do your own due diligence research. It is likely that this post too will be slated as 'codswallop'. Then realise the nature of that person.

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