Return to Index › Teachers classed as unskilled labor in 201
#1 Parent Baijiu Addict - 2016-10-05
Re Teachers classed as unskilled labor in 201

Honestly, who cares about their stupid ranking? The reason it exists in the first place is because China fails big time at attracting highly skilled professionals, ranking people ain't gonna help.

As for the rest, well, haha, I used to think of it as racism, like the 'Chinese are terrible drivers' thingy, but in all honesty it's pretty much impossible to have a smaller penis than Chinese guys, and I know lots of Chinese girls who can back me up on that one, the 'pinky-sized' Chinese penis myth is not a myth but a fact. Just look at those porn websites where Chinese amateurs upload videos of themselves (probably can't list the URL here but the website is ninety one porn dot com, need a VPN if you are in China), all super tiny, even the videos containing the 'big c*ck' tag.

Is it true? - 2016-09-28
Teachers classed as unskilled labor in 201

Neat year the FEC will merge and foreigners will be given ranks of A,B, or C. Foreign teachers will be classed as unskilled labor.

Class B will need to earn morn than 32,000 RMB a month and have around a HSK 6 level of Chinese.

A is for people who have a penis, lower in size than the average local, and hate Japanese devils whilst of course loving mother China, the center of the world

The first part is not a joke!

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