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#1 Parent caring - 2016-10-17
Re Just do not do it

No, Dr. Turnjakunen (and his aliases) is very wrong for he blindly hits everything and everyone he doesn't like.

Turnoi is right to bash "language centres" as they are rubbish. They are run by
morons with no ethics, morals, values, they should not exist.
I wonder how those "ethics, morals, values" work with uniformed votes that lack identities to places. And, how do the "ethics, morals, values" work when the doc and his pseudos attack other users' English while ignoring his/their shortcomings?

Have a look at this fairly compelling warning of a poster below which Turnoi followed later in another post. The point is that doctor T would most likely not confront the English of posters that bring in bad messages about "language centers", since it's in his interest not to.

I recently finished my 1 year contract with them. The company is treats their employees horribly. Also they will not always uphold their contract. Being in another you need support. You might not think you will. But you will get sick once. You will need to talk to the police about sometimes (visa, housing registration). The company does not support you in any of this. Other English teaching companies help their teachers. They will send someone with you to the hospital. Also if you ask for a specific city you might not get it. Also the centers are poorly ran. They just care about money so they skimp on supplies. Essential things like toilet paper and internet are not always available. When considering this company look for others that pay better. There are many out there. Also this job has horrible office hours. It's possible that you can have no classes and just sit in the office all day. The boredom kills.

Anyhow, criticizing weaknesses of others we ought to look at ourselves. Whether the board is transformed into a reliable tool for sharing and debating issues remains to be seen.

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