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#1 Parent Former FT in China - 2016-10-18
Re Teachers classed as unskilled labor in 201

I know Bingzi contain fennel seeds and they aren't harmful to your health but what's healthy about them?

I'd say their fat content and sugar content are low, if you buy the 'salty' = 'sienda' variety, or the long Muslim ones, which are not at all sweet. Can't be bad, can it? Sadly, many Chinese loaves contain sucrose, bad for health eh? Surprised u come 'cross so green despite your time in Shanxi and in Tianjin. quite a few years, if I'm not mistaken!

BTW, have you ever been to Cardiff? How about the capital of Wales? What do you think of it? I woz told by a Boyyo that Friday nights in the city center are amazing! A drunken malaise! The women there are up for everything on Friday night! Good place for pigdog, must be!

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